Page 18 - JanFebRegular2020
P. 18
• Prices are subject to change without notice. RETURNS POLICY
• All taxes are additional. • All returns require prior authorization from Purity Life and requests
• Products are subject to availability. must be sent to for processing.
• Published deal pricing will be guaranteed on all Customer Link orders • Short-dated, damaged, or mis-shipped products must be reported
completed up to 11:59pm on the last day of the month. All other order within 5 days of the invoice date.
methods will be guaranteed only if received prior to cutoff @ 11:00am • Only those products authorized for return will be considered for credit.
(EST&PST) on the last business day of the month. Receiving a return authorization is not a guarantee of credit.
• Terms for credit-approved customers are 1% – 10 days, net 30 days; • Any products shipped to Purity Life but not eligible for credit will be
• Terms begin at time of invoicing. destroyed upon receipt.
• Early payment terms do not apply to credit card payments. • The following information must be provided to obtain a
• Visa,Mastercard, and American Express and Interac e-transfer are accepted. return authorization:
- Date of purchase - Product expiry date
- Invoice number - Exact reason for return
- Product number - Condition of the product
• Any payment by credit card, when the account is sitting past due beyond - Product description
the allocated terms, will be subject to a surcharge of 3 %. • For consumer returns, Purity Life’s vendors request the consumer name,
• New Accounts requesting credit terms must submit a completed credit consumer contact number, reason for return, lot number and expiry date.
application including trade references. If the account is a new business with Once this information is supplied, we can process a credit (if applicable).
no credit history, or no references are provided, it will remain on credit card • Purity Life DOES NOT accept returns for reasons of:
terms until a history is established. - Store inventory over stocks - Store closings
• NSF/returned cheques are subject to a $50 administrative fee. - Store special events - Discontinuations
• Declined credit card transactions are subject to a $25 administrative fee. - Short dated product
• Purity Life may add a 3% surcharge to any payment made by credit card • Purity Life DOES NOT accept returns on:
when the account is overdue (past 30 days) - Sun care products
• Requests for copies of invoices and account statements are subject to a $5 - Probiotic products
administrative fee. These documents can be accessed free of charge by - Products purchased in participation of a Purity Life
logging in to our CustomerLink system at program (such as Flyer Programs)
• Final responsibility of determining applicable federal and provincial taxes is - Special order products (This will be indicated at set
borne by the retailer. In the event of an audit by tax authorities, Purity Life up of any program in question)
will invoice you, the customer, for any applicable taxes not collected based - Products purchased as part of discontinued item sell-offs
on the outcome of the audit. - Partial displays of products that are only sold within
• Every effort has been made to ensure our promotional materials and tax a display and not as individual units
codes are complete and accurate; however, errors may occur. - Products kept longer than 120 days
- Displays that are not stocked at Purity Life require 3 weeks lead
DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS time and cannot be canceled
• Purity Life reserves the right to withhold shipments on overdue accounts • A restocking fee of 20% will be applied to all returns.
• Purity Life may charge interest on any past due balance at the rate of 24% • All products must be returned in resalable condition: no damage, no price
per annum with said interest being calculated from the date of default. stickers, no glue residue, no stamps, etc., nor in any way defaced.
• Overdue accounts deemed uncollectable by Purity Life will be submitted to a • All returns should be sent via prepaid ParcelPost with the return authorization
third party collection agency or Attorney for recovery. Purity Life will charge number clearly indicated on the outside of the return. Under no condition
you all fees deemed necessary for the recovery of the outstanding balance. should the item be returned freight collect. If product is being returned due
• All third party fees, as well as any outstanding interest and principal balance to an error on the part of Purity Life, the cost of the freight will be credited to
must be paid in full prior to Purity Life considering reinstating your account. your account or we will arrange a courier pickup at our expense.
• Following delinquency, all orders must be prepaid by credit card until credit • All items should be securely boxed and packaged in a manner suitable to
can be re-established. Subsequent terms, if requested, will be decided the method of return. A list of contents should be enclosed, including your
by Purity life. store name and account number.
FREIGHT POLICY • All returns must be addressed to the Returns Department closest to your
• Purity Life ships either by courier (ground) or common carrier. We can store: 6 Commerce Cres. Acton, ON L7J 2X3 or 888 West Kent Avenue S.,
expedite shipping upon request, and will charge you the difference. Vancouver, BC V6P 6V6.
• All orders are shipped F.O.B. Purity Life unless otherwise stated. ORDER POLICY
• Purity Life’s minimum order is $100. Orders and backorders totaling over • Outstanding orders not in good credit standing will be deleted in 7 days
$350 are shipped freight free.
• Orders less than $350 including back orders are charged a minimum • Previously back ordered items will be presented to you at time of check out,
or confirmed with you over the phone. Please notify us if you would like to
$16 service and handling charge.
have your backorders automatically shipped.
• Remote locations (those which our couriers define as ‘beyond points’) such • All retailer ordered back orders will be purged from the system after 45 days.
as Yukon and Nunavut will be charged a freight surcharge calculated as
actual freight cost over and above 5% of the invoice value. BACK ORDER POLICY
• A fuel surcharge may be added to your invoice depending on the fuel • All back orders will be purged from system in 45 days.
surcharge charged by the couriers. Advance written notice will be given to • All back orders over $350 will be shipped freight free. Orders under $350 will
current customers if a fuel surcharge is to be applied. be charged $16 and shipped by request.
• Damage claims must be made within 5 days of receipt of goods. All damage • No orders under $100 will be shipped but can be picked up in our
claims must be made to the cartage company; no credit can be given unless warehouse.
this procedure is followed.
• All products (excluding probiotics and food items) shipped will have an
expiry date of at least six months unless otherwise noted within the Purity
Life catalogue.
• Probiotics and food items shipped will have an expiry date of at least
2 months.
• Requests for co-op credit reimbursements need to be claimed within 90
days of the activity running in order to be eligible for reimbursement.
• Some vendors have Minimum Advertised Pricing (MAP) Policies in place with
respect to distributing products through Purity Life. Should you choose to
sell or advertise these products below the MAP, we reserve the right, without
assuming any liability, to cancel all orders and indefinitely refuse to accept
any new orders from you for products found to be in violation of the policy
until such time as prices are in line with the MAP.
This price list is for wholesale use only. Not for public release.