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Vendor                                                                                                                                  Vendor
                 Name               Description  Disc    Month        Name           Description  Disc    Month
                 Green Beaver Co. .................... Line Drive .......... 20% ............FEB  Manitoba Harvest ..................Select Items......7%-30% .........JAN
                 Green Foods ........................... Line Drive .......... 20% ............FEB  Manitoba Harvest ..................Select Items......... 20% ............FEB
                 Happy Natural Products .........Select Items.......... 8% .............JAN  Maranatha Nut Butters ............ Line Drive .......... 10% ............JAN
                 Happy Natural Products .........Select Items.......... 8% .............FEB  Marphyl Marine Phytoplankton All Products ....10%-13% ........FEB
                 Health Logics Laboratories, Inc. Line Drive ......... 15% ............FEB  Maze Bar ................................ Line Drive .......... 15% ............JAN
                 Heavenly Organics .................Select Items......... 20% ............JAN  Mineral Fusion Natural Brands Select Items......... 15% ............JAN
                 Heavenly Organics .................Select Items......... 20% ............FEB  Mineral Fusion Natural Brands Select Items.....15%-20% ........FEB
                 Herbal Select .........................Select Items......... 11% ............JAN  Mountain Sky Soaps ..............Select Items......... 10% ............JAN
                 Herbal Select .........................Select Items......... 11% ............FEB  Mountain Sky Soaps ............... Line Drive ........... 8% .............FEB
                 HerbaMax Inc ........................Select Items.....10%-50% ........JAN  Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day ........Select Items......... 10% ............FEB
                 Herban Cowboy ...................... Line Drive .......... 10% ............FEB  My Health Supplements .......... Line Drive .......... 10% ............FEB
                 Herbion ..................................All Products ......5%-45% .........JAN  My Magic Mud ....................... Line Drive .......... 10% ............JAN
                 Herbion ..................................All Products ......5%-45% .........FEB  My Magic Mud ....................... Line Drive .......... 10% ............FEB
                 Homeocan .............................Select Items......5%-15% .........JAN  NannoPad ............................... Line Drive .......... 20% ............JAN
                 Homeocan .............................Select Items......5%-15% .........FEB  Nature Beauté Santé ..............Select Items......5%-10% .........JAN  SUMMARY OF DEALS
                 HomeoVet Homeopathic Drops    Line Drive ........... 10% ............JAN  Nature Beauté Santé ..............Select Items......5%-10% .........FEB
                 HomeoVet Homeopathic Drops    Line Drive ............ 10% ............FEB  Nature’s Harmony .................Select Items......... 15% ............JAN
                 Honibe .................................... Line Drive .......... 15% ............JAN  Nature’s Harmony .................Select Items......... 15% ............FEB
                 Innovite ..................................Select Items......... 10% ............JAN  NatureZway ............................ Line Drive .......... 15% ............FEB
                 Innovite ..................................Select Items......... 10% ............FEB  Navitas Organics..................... Line Drive .......... 15% ............JAN
                 Jason Natural Products ........... Line Drive .......... 20% ............FEB  NENA Glacial Skincare ...........Select Items......... 10% ............JAN
                 Jelly Belly Organic .................Select Items....... 5%-6% ..........FEB  NENA Glacial Skincare ...........Select Items......... 10% ............FEB
                 J.R. Watkins ..........................Select Items......... 10% ............JAN  New Nordic............................Select Items......... 20% ............JAN
                 JusTea ...................................Select Items......... 10% ............JAN  New Nordic............................Select Items......... 20% ............FEB
                 JusTea ...................................Select Items.......... 7% .............FEB  North American Hemp Co. .....Select Items.....25%-30% ........JAN
                 Justin’s ................................... Line Drive .......... 10% ............FEB  North American Hemp Co. ...... Line Drive .......... 25% ............FEB
                 La Dee Da Gourmet Sauces Inc. Line Drive ......... 15% ............FEB  Nourish Organic .....................Select Items.....15%-20% ........JAN
                 Lafe’s Body Care .................... Line Drive .......... 10% ............FEB  Nova Scotia Organics ............. Line Drive .......... 15% ............FEB
                 Lahmar Olive Oil ..................... Line Drive .......... 20% ............JAN  Nud Fud .................................Select Items.......... 5% .............JAN
                 Lahmar Olive Oil ..................... Line Drive .......... 20% ............FEB  Nud Fud .................................Select Items.......... 5% .............FEB
                 Land Art ................................Select Items......... 15% ............FEB  NuGo Nutrition To Go .............Select Items.......... 9% .............JAN
                 Lavilin (Hlavin) .......................Select Items......... 15% ............JAN  NuGo Nutrition To Go .............Select Items.......... 9% .............FEB
                 Lee’s Ghee ............................Select Items......... 10% ............JAN  Numi Organic Tea ................... Line Drive .......... 15% ............FEB
                 Libre Infusers .......................... Line Drive ..............................FEB  Nutiva ....................................Select Items.....15%-21% ........JAN
                 Little Tucker Ltd. ..................... Line Drive .......... 10% ............JAN  Nutiva ....................................Select Items.....11%-18% ........FEB
                 Live Clean ............................... Line Drive .......... 10% ............JAN  Nutripur Inc ............................All Products ......5%-10% .........JAN
                 Live Clean ............................... Line Drive .......... 15% ............FEB  Nutripur Inc ............................All Products ......5%-10% .........FEB
                 LOOP .....................................All Products ......... 10% ............JAN  Nuun & Company, Inc ............. Line Drive ........... 7% .............JAN
                 LOOP .....................................All Products ......... 10% ............FEB  Nuvocare Health Sciences .....All Products ......5%-20% .........JAN
                 Love Good Fats......................Select Items......6%-11% .........JAN  Nuvocare Health Sciences .....All Products ......5%-20% .........FEB
                 Love Good Fats......................Select Items......6%-11% .........FEB  O3 Omega .............................. Line Drive .......... 15% ............FEB
                 MacroLife Naturals ................Select Items.....15%-20% ........JAN  OctoVie Skin Brush ................. Line Drive .......... 10% ............FEB
                 Madara - by True Natural ........ Line Drive .......... 15% ............JAN  Olbas ...................................... Line Drive .......... 10% ............FEB
                 Madara - by True Natural ........ Line Drive .......... 15% ............FEB  OM Mushroom ....................... Line Drive .......... 11% ............JAN
                 MadeGood .............................Select Items......7%-18% .........JAN  One With Nature ....................Select Items......... 20% ............FEB
                 MadeGood .............................Select Items......2%-18% .........FEB  OneRoot ................................. Line Drive .......... 10% ............FEB

                                                                                           JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2020    31
   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38