Page 119 - March April Grocery 2021
P. 119

Stock   Description                              Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal  Sale   UPC       PAF  GLU  ORG  KOS  VEG  HAL    FTR  Lang.
     ID#                                                        Price     Month  Price                     NGM

     822517  Organic Lemon Everyday Detox .................................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  A  4.19   0 32917 10187 7         O  N  K  V         B
     822522  Organic Smooth Move Peppermint ............................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  A  4.19   0 32917 10189 1         O  N  K  V         B
     822523  Smooth Move Chamomile .........................................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  A  4.19   0 32917 10188 4         O  N  K            B
     822240  Organic Chamomile ...................................................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 10056 6         O  N  K  V      F   B
     822250  Organic Peppermint Tea .............................................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 10052 8         O  N  K  V         B
     822270  Organic Chamomile with Lavender ............................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 10179 2         O  N  K  V      F   B
     822275  Organic Hibiscus .......................................................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 10195 2         O  N  K  V      F   B
     822280  Organic Licorice Root ................................................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 10180 8         O  N  K  V      F   B
     822290  Organic Nettle Leaf ....................................................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 10181 5         O  N  K  V      F   B
     822310  Organic Green Tea with Lemongrass .........................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 00078 1         O  N  K  V      F   B
     822315  Org Turmeric Meadowsweet & Ginger .......................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 10210 2         O  N  K            B
     822320  Organic Raspberry Leaf Tea .......................................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 00079 8         O  N  K  V      F   B
     822345  Organic Tulsi with Ginger ...........................................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 10209 6         O  N  K            B
     822370  Organic Green Tea Ginger ..........................................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 10088 7         O  N  K  V      F
     822421  Organic Lemon Balm .................................................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 10191 4         O  N  K  V         B
     822514  Organic Ginger ..........................................................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 10173 0         O  N  K  V      F   B
     822518  Organic Roasted Dandelion Root ...............................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 10175 4         O  N  K  V         B
     822519  Organic Hawthorn with Hibiscus ................................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 10185 3         O  N      V      F   B
     822520  Organic Spearmint .....................................................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 10174 7         O  N  K  V      F   B
     822524  Organic Fennel...........................................................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 10194 5         O  N  K  V         B
     822525  Organic Dandelion Leaf & Root Tea............................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 10198 3         O  N  K  V         B
     822526  Organic Green Tea Peppermint ...................................................................................20 bags   4.71   11%  M  4.19   0 32917 10201 0         O  N  K         F   B
     BROKERED BY  Abundant by Design Inc.                        (385) 350-3855
      With a non-melting chocolate shell and indulgent filling, Trail Truffles combines nature’s super foods with the decadence of a dark chocolate truffle - delivering a complete protein bite that is as tasty as it
     is good for fueling your adventures.
              SAVE 10%   SELECT ITEMS MAR

     802902  Trail Truffles Pre-Pack Shipper ................................................................................. 1 Display   145.74      8 60003 70284 0      G      N      V         B
     802903  Caddy Clip Strip Pack (12 units) .............................................................................12 x 144g   54.65      8 60003 70285 7      G      N      V         B
         Caddy Clip Strip Pack. Contains 12 units - 3 of each flavor (Coconut Macadamia, Mint Creme, Chocolate Hazelnut, Peanut butter cup) and a clip strip
     802101  Coconut Macadamia Truffles ....................................................................................6 x 144g   27.32   10%  M  24.59   1 08 60003 02830 0      G      N      V         B
     802105  Mint Creme Truffles ..................................................................................................6 x 144g   28.72   10%  M  25.85   7 83583 89674 0      G      N      V         B
     802106  Mint Creme Truffles ..................................................................................................6 x 144g   27.32   10%  M  24.59   1 08 60003 02823 3      G      N      V         B
     802111  Peanut Butter Cup Truffles ........................................................................................6 x 144g   27.32   10%  M  24.59   1 08 60003 02809 9      G      N      V         B
     802120  Chocolate Hazelnut Truffles ......................................................................................6 x 144g   27.32   10%  M  24.59   1 08 60003 02816 6      G      N      V         B
     TURMERIC TEAS                                        W
     Toronto tea company with a mission to make it easy for everyone to enjoy the healing benefits of tumeric (Circummin).
     837110  Dusk Tumeric Teas .......................................................................................................6x28g  34.45  40%  B  20.67   1 06 27843 58061 1   A  G  O  N      V         B
     837115  Dawn Tumeric Teas ......................................................................................................6x28g  34.45  40%  B  20.67   6 27843 55805 7   A  G  O  N      V         B
     BROKERED BY  Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing                             (626) 350-3309
     Uncle Lee’s represents the traditions of Teas over 80 years across 5 generations. The centerfold of Oriental Tea art, started introducing Green tea in North America in 1988. The parent company is Ten Fu
     Tea group in China, who owns more than 700 tea stores all over the world, mainly in China, providing you invigorating aroma at unbelievable quality...No one knows Teas better than Uncle Lee’s!!
     48 Units of 100/40 Count Teas = 15% Off,96 Units of 100/40 Count Teas = 25% Off
     40CT TEA
     850252  Organic Matcha Tea .......................................................................................................40 bg   4.96      8 92241 00021 1         O      K  V         B
     850257  Organic Black Tea ..........................................................................................................40 bg   4.96      8 92241 00020 4         O      K  V         B
     850266  Legends of China Organic White Tea ..........................................................................40 bags   4.20   8 92241 00019 8  B
     850267  Legends Of China Organic Green Tea .........................................................................40 bags   4.20   8 92241 00016 7  B
     850268  Organic Jasmine Tea .....................................................................................................40 bg   4.96      8 92241 00023 5         O      K  V         B
     850269  Organic Oolong Tea .......................................................................................................40 bg   4.96      8 92241 00022 8         O      K  V         B
     850590  Caramel Rooibus Chai ...............................................................................................18 bags   6.10   20%  B  4.88  8 79792 00019 8
     850595  Golden Turmeric Ginger Chai .....................................................................................18 bags   6.10   20%  B  4.88  8 79792 00020 4
     850954  Organic Specialty Gift Box .........................................................................................40 bags   10.77      8 79792 00081 5   A  G  O      K  V         B
     850125  Organic Cinnamon Chai .............................................................................................18 bags   4.97   20%  M  3.98  0 49606 20315 6
     850130  Organic Orange Ginger Chai ......................................................................................18 bags   4.97   20%  M  3.98  0 49606 20314 9


                           PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 16 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
                                                                                                 MARCH - APRIL  2021  117
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