Page 4 - March April Grocery 2021
P. 4
YOU are Essential
It is hard to believe that it has been a year now since the pandemic began and we are still dealing
with the day-to-day challenges after coming through a very difficult second wave that seemed so
much more challenging than the first. The good thing is that there is a lot of hope and optimism
now that things will improve materially with the rollout of the vaccine in full swing.
While this pandemic has been very difficult for so many and extremely unfortunate for those who
have lost their lives, it has reminded everyone of the importance of taking care of themselves and
Matthew James, that taking personal responsibility for your health is critical in ensuring a strong immune system
President and CEO to fight off diseases and viruses.
Purity Life Health Products LP
For you, our retail partners, the pandemic has provided an opportunity to do what you have been
doing so well for the last number of years and that is educating and informing customers on how
they can actively take responsibility for their health through diet, lifestyle, and supplementation.
There is no more essential service than this! You have been on the front lines of health improve-
ment throughout the pandemic, giving consumers an opportunity to ensure that they are doing
and taking all that they can to improve their health and reduce their chance of having a severe
response to Covid-19, if exposed.
One could predict that the lasting impact for many consumers will be the importance of doing
all that they can do, on a daily basis, to ensure that they are maintaining optimum health to keep
their body’s defenses ready to fight invading viruses, as there will likely be another such pandem-
ic in the future.
While it has been hard to maintain one’s positive spirits during this pandemic, it is good to know
that there is finally hope that a form of normalcy will return in the not-so-distant future as the
nicer weather is upon us and the vaccine takes its effect.
In the meantime, we must all do our part to stay active daily, eat healthy, take our supplements
(particularly Vitamin D), visit or shop at our local health food store and support those that have
been supporting the health of our communities for so many years.
Stay safe everyone.
Matthew James
President and CEO of Purity Life
Check out Purity Life
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