Page 204 - Jan Feb 2022
P. 204

Stock   Description                       Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal   Sale   Case       UPC   GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL  Lang.  Groc
     ID#                                                 Price     Month   Price   Size         PAF         FTR     Item
     870700  Wildwoods Shampoo Bar .............................................................................60g  7.78  6  6 28055 18654 0  V  B
     870101  Anise Rebar Bar Soap .................................................................................135g  3.44  6  6 28055 18600 7  B
     870106  Canadian Glacial Clay Bar Soap ..................................................................135g  3.44  6  6 28055 18601 4  B
     870195  Charcoal Cleanse Bar Soap ........................................................................135g  3.44  6  6 28055 18603 8  B
     870191  Goat Milk & Oats Bar Soap .........................................................................135g  3.44  6  6 28055 18606 9  B
     870116  Herbal Pine-Eucalyptus Bar Soap ...............................................................135g  3.44  6  6 28055 18604 5  B
     870121  Honey Almond Bar Soap ............................................................................135g  3.44  6  6 28055 18605 2  B
     870126  Kali Spice Bar Soap ....................................................................................135g  3.44  6  6 28055 18607 6  B
     870131  Lavender Dream Bar Soap ..........................................................................135g  3.44  6  6 28055 18608 3  B
     870186  Moroccan Argan Bar Soap .........................................................................135g  3.44  6  6 28055 18609 0  B
     870161  Rasta-Bar-Hemp Bar Soap..........................................................................135g  3.44  6  6 28055 18610 6  B
     870151  Tea Tree & Mint Scrub Bar Soap .................................................................135g  3.44  6  6 28055 18612 0  B
     870146  Vanilla Cream Bar Soap ..............................................................................135g  3.44  6  6 28055 18613 7  B
     870156  Wild Rose Bar Soap....................................................................................135g  3.44  6  6 28055 18614 4  B
     870601  Citrus-Bliss Castile Liquid Soap ................................................................475ml  7.39  6  6 28055 18619 9  B
     870630  Eucalyptus-Mint Castile Liquid Soap .........................................................475ml  7.39  6  6 28055 18620 5  B
     870611  Honey-Almond Castile Liquid Soap ...........................................................475ml  7.39  6  6 28055 18621 2  B
     870616  Lavender Heaven Castile Liquid Soap .......................................................475ml  7.39  6  6 28055 18622 9  B
     870621  Shiva’s Nirvana Castile Liquid Soap ..........................................................475ml  7.39  6  6 28055 18623 6  B
     870540  Balm for All Reasons in Eco-Tubes ...............................................................40g  7.46  4  6 28055 18662 5  B
     870536  Beard Butter - Forest .....................................................................................40g  7.47  4  6 28055 18669 4  G  B
     870535  Beard Butter - Forest .....................................................................................50g  7.46  4  6 28055 18632 8  B
     870526  Foot Butter - Tea Tree & Mint ........................................................................40g  7.46  4  6 28055 18659 5  B
     870352  Muscle Rescue Rub in Eco-Tube ..................................................................40g  7.46  4  6 28055 18660 1  B
     870354  Vanilla Body Butter - Eco Tube ......................................................................40g  7.46  4  6 28055 18602 1  G  B
     870351  Muscle Rescue Rub .....................................................................................50g  7.46  4  6 28055 18634 2  B
     .870L01 Soap Benefits Consumer Brochure ...............................................................0un  1  E

     BROKERED BY  Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing                             877-576-8808
     Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day believes that caring for our homes shouldn’t feel like a chore. Our products are thoughtfully formulated with plant-derived ingredients and essential oils to make products that
     are powerful against dirt and grime while being a pleasure to use. Garden-fresh scents uplift your mood while adding a little spring to your step!
     531930  Fall Pre-Pack ..............................................................................................1disp  182.78  1  0 59200 00139 3  B    
          The Mrs. Meyer’s Fall Pre-Pack contains hand soap, dish soap and multi-surface cleaner in fall scents: apple cider, mum and acorn. 6x Hand Soap - Apple Cider, 6 x Hand Soap - Mum, 6 x Hand Soap - Acorn, 4 x Dish Soap
          - Apple Cider, 3 x Dish Soap - Mum, 3 x Dish Soap - Acorn, 3 x Multi-Surface Cleaner - Apple Cider, 3 x Multi-Surface Cleaner - Mum, 3 x Multi-Surface Cleaner - Acorn
     531905  Hand Soap Pre-Pack ..................................................................................1disp  177.48  1  0 59200 00207 9  B
          Contains: 12 x Lemon Verbena, 6 x Basil, 12 x Lavender, 6 x Honeysuckle Hand Soap
     531925  Holiday Half-Pallet ......................................................................................1disp  591.60  1  0 62913 00126 0  B    
          The Mrs. Meyer’s Holiday Half-Pallet contains Dish Soap and Multi-Surface Cleaner in Peppermint and Orange Clove. 24 x Dish Soap - Orange Clove - 531106, 36 x Dish Soap - Peppermint - 531015, 24 x Multi-Surface
          Cleaner - Orange Clove - 531013, 36 x Multi-Surface Cleaner - Peppermint - 531012
     531920  Holiday Pre-Pack ........................................................................................1disp  182.78  1  0 59200 00138 6  B    
          The Mrs. Meyer’s Holiday Pre-Pack contains hand soap, dish soap and multi-surface cleaner in holiday scents: Iowa Pine, Orange Clove and Peppermint. 6 x Hand Soap - Iowa Pine - 531020, 6 x Hand Soap - Orange Clove
          - 531019, 6 x Hand Soap - Peppermint - 531018, 4 x Dish Soap - Iowa Pine - 531017, 3 x Dish Soap - Orange Clove - 531016, 3 x Dish Soap - Peppermint - 531015, 3 x Multi-Surface Cleaner - Iowa Pine - 531014, 3 x
          Multi-Surface Cleaner - Orange Clove - 531013, 3 x Multi-Surface Cleaner - Peppermint - 531012
     531910  Mixed Pre-Pack ..........................................................................................1disp  162.69  1  0 59200 70868 1  B
     531855  Body Wash - Oat Blossom........................................................................473ml  7.42     6   0 59200 00265 9           N    V        B
     531860  Body Wash - Plumberry ...........................................................................473ml  7.42     6   0 59200 00266 6           N    V        B
     531850  Body Wash - Rain Water ...........................................................................473ml  7.42     6   0 59200 00264 2           N    V        B
     531710  Bar Soap - Oat Blossom .............................................................................150g  4.93     12   0 59200 00268 0   A       N    V        B
     531705  Bar Soap - Plumberry .................................................................................150g  4.93     12   0 59200 00269 7   A       N    V        B
     531700  Bar Soap - Rain Water ................................................................................150g  4.93     12   0 59200 00267 3   A       N    V        B
     531805  Hand Lotion - Oat Blossom.......................................................................354ml  5.72     6   0 59200 00271 0           N    V        B
     531810  Hand Lotion - Plumberry ..........................................................................354ml  5.72     6   0 59200 00272 7           N    V        B
     531800  Hand Lotion - Rain Water..........................................................................354ml  5.72     6   0 59200 00270 3           N    V        B
     531820  Body Lotion - Oat Blossom .......................................................................458ml  7.42     6   0 59200 00274 1           N    V        B
     531825  Body Lotion - Plumberry ..........................................................................458ml  7.42     6   0 59200 00275 8           N    V        B
     531815  Body Lotion - Rain Water ..........................................................................458ml  7.42     6   0 59200 00273 4           N    V        B
     531635  Room Spray - Basil ..................................................................................236ml  5.95  6  0 59200 00250 5  V  B    
     531640  Room Spray - Honeysuckle ......................................................................236ml  5.95  6  0 59200 00251 2  V  B    
     531630  Room Spray - Lavender ............................................................................236ml  5.95  6  0 59200 00248 2  V  B    
     531102  Dish Soap - Acorn Spice ..........................................................................473ml  4.94  6  0 59200 00325 0  E    
     531024  Dish Soap - Apple Cider ...........................................................................473ml  4.94  6  0 59200 00097 6  B    
     531023  Dish Soap - Mum .....................................................................................473ml  4.94  6  0 59200 00098 3  B    
     531270  Hand Soap - Acorn Spice .........................................................................370ml  4.94  6  0 59200 00324 3  A  B
     531026  Hand Soap - Apple Cider ..........................................................................370ml  4.94  6  0 59200 00089 1  B
    PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 21 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
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