Page 235 - Jan Feb 2022
P. 235

Stock   Description                       Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal   Sale   Case       UPC   GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL  Lang.  Groc
     ID#                                                 Price     Month   Price   Size         PAF         FTR     Item
     194608  Teething (Kids) Homeopathic ....................................................................100ml  12.29  12  8 86646 05026 1  B
     194627  Worry+Fear (Kids) Homeopathic .............................................................100ml  12.29  12  8 86646 05038 4  B
     194654  Acne Control Homeopathic Cream ................................................................50g  12.29  6  8 86646 05064 3  B
     194643  Bites+Stings Homeopathic Cream ...............................................................50g  12.29  6  8 86646 05054 4  B
     194644  Burn Relief Homeopathic Cream ...................................................................50g  12.29  6  8 86646 05055 1  B
     194657  Eczema Relief Homeopathic Cream ..............................................................50g  12.29  6  8 86646 05065 0  B
     194646  Joint Pain Homeopathic Cream .....................................................................50g  12.29  6  8 86646 05056 8  B
     194647  Pain Relief Homeopathic Cream....................................................................50g  12.29  6  8 86646 05057 5  B
     194659  Warts Relief Homeopathic Cream .................................................................50g  12.29  6  8 86646 05067 4  B
     .194L011Burn Relief Cream Prod Info Pad ................................................................ 25pk  1  0  E
     .194L016Homeopathic Product Info Pad .................................................................. 25pk  1  0  E
     .194L012Joint Pain Cream Product Info Pad ............................................................. 25pk  1  0  E
     .194L01 Orange Naturals 2018 Portfolio ..................................................................1disp  1  E
     .194L013Pain Relief Cream Prod Info Pad ................................................................ 25pk  1  0  E
     .194L022Why Mag Glyc is Awesome POS Booklet ..................................................... 1ea  625  0 00000 00000 0  E

     ORGAIN INC.   
     BROKERED BY  Cyba-Stevens Natural                               888-881-4246
     Relentlessly raising the standard. We are dedicated to ensuring you have the nutrition you need to lead a healthy, vibrant life. Whether your needs call for plant or dairy protein, powders or shakes,
     meal replacement, muscle recovery or anything in between, Orgain products promise to be the cleanest and highest quality options available.
     598115  Organic Creamy Chocolate Fudge ...............................................................920g  40.42     12   8 51770 00731 3   A    O    K  V        B     
     598110  Organic Vanilla Bean ...................................................................................920g  40.42     12   8 51770 00732 0   A    O    K  V        B     
     BROKERED BY  Cornerstone Sales                      888-550-8332
     Mission is to bring regenerative agriculture to rural India using organic and biodynamic farming methods for true wellness products.
     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure the products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months.  No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold Products.
     605155  Ginger .....................................................................................................90caps  17.95  40%  B   10.77   12   8 01541 51409 0   A    O  N  K  V  H  F   B

     ORGANIC TRADITIONS W                  800-304-1497
     Prevention, Regeneration, Longevity.
     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.
     690907E Cardboard Floor Display - En ......................................................................1disp  1  0 00000 00000 0  E
     690906E Cardboard Floor Display - Fr .......................................................................1disp  1  0 00000 00000 0  B
     690908E Display Pumpkin Spice Latte ......................................................................1disp  1  0 00000 00000 0  E    
          Required Fill: 36 units of Pumpkin Spice Latte
     690909E French Display Pumpkin Spice Latte ...........................................................1disp  1  0 00000 00000 0  F    
          Required Fill: 36 units of Pumpkin Spice Latte
     690905E Holiday Displayer........................................................................................1disp  1  0 00000 00000 0  E
          Required Fill: 24 units of Holiday limited edition lattes
     690910E Holiday Energy Bite Display ........................................................................1disp  1  0 00000 00000 0  A  E    
          Required Contents: 12x each; Red Velvet Bites, Mint Choc Bites and Holiday Spice Bites
     690202  Gold Vitality Blend ........................................................................................80g  12.99     6   6 27733 00962 1        O    K           B     
     690201  Green Vitality Blend ....................................................................................120g  12.99     6   6 27733 00964 5        O    K  V        B     
     690208  12 Day Holiday Box ....................................................................................110g  17.00     12   6 27733 00002 4        O  N  K  V    F   B     
          12 days of Organic Traditions - We’ve handpicked 12 unique super food teas and lattes that promote a variety of health benefits. There’s a new super food to discover daily:
          LATTES - Holiday Spice, Red Velvet, Mint Chocolate, Turmeric with Saffron*, Chocolate with Ashwagandha*, Beet with Fermented Beet*, Matcha*, Macaccino.  *with probiotics
          TEAS - Premium Matcha, Lemongrass, Hibiscus, Holy Basil
     690389  Holiday Spice Energy Bites .........................................................................220g  6.49     6   6 27733 00922 5        O    K           B     
     690207  Latte, Holiday Spice ....................................................................................150g  10.99     6   6 27733 00141 0        O  N  K  V    F   B     
     690206  Latte, Mint Chocolate ..................................................................................150g  10.98     6   6 27733 00142 7        O  N  K  V    F   B     
     690204  Latte, Red Velvet .........................................................................................150g  10.98     6   6 27733 00145 8        O  N  K  V    F   B     
     690390  Mint Chocolate Energy Bites .......................................................................220g  6.49     6   6 27733 00921 8     G  O  N  K  V        B     
     690391  Red Velvet Energy Bites ..............................................................................220g  6.49     6   6 27733 00923 2     G  O  N  K  V        B     
     690392  Wake Up And Wind Down Latte Kit ................................................................1kit  15.00     6   6 27733 00187 8     G  O  N  K  V        B     
          Organic Traditions’ top selling superfood latte mixes: MATCHA LATTE & TURMERIC LATTE Duo including a Whisk.
     690264  Cacao Beans ..............................................................................................227g  7.80     6   6 27733 00215 8        O  N  K  V        B     
     690260  Cacao Butter ..............................................................................................227g  8.45     6   6 27733 00205 9        O  N  K  V        B     
     690259  Cacao Butter ..............................................................................................454g  14.94     6   6 27733 00206 6        O  N  K  V        B     
     690232  Cacao Nibs .................................................................................................227g  7.80     6   6 27733 00210 3        O  N  K  V        B     
     690258  Cacao Nibs .................................................................................................454g  12.99     6   6 27733 00220 2        O  N  K  V        B     
     690257  Cacao Paste ...............................................................................................227g  8.45     6   6 27733 00203 5        O  N  K  V        B     

                          PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 21 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
                                                                                          JANUARY - FEBRUARY  2022  235
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