Page 250 - Jan Feb 2022
P. 250

Stock   Description                       Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal   Sale   Case       UPC   GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL  Lang.  Groc
     ID#                                                 Price     Month   Price   Size         PAF         FTR     Item
     616920  PUR Gum Blister Shipper - 16 trays ............................................................1disp  216.64     1   8 30028 00140 2   A       N    V        B     
          PUR Gum Blister Shipper - 2 trays each - Bubblegum 9pc Gum , Chocolate MINT 9pc Gum, Coolmint 9pc Gum, Peppermint 9pc Gum   , Pomegranate Mint 9pc Gum, Spearmint 9pc Gum, Wintergeen 9pc Gum,
          Cinnamon 96 gum
     616945  PUR Gum Core Sku Clip Strip .....................................................................1disp  109.95  36  2 08 30028 04469 9  A  E    
          Contains 3 clip strips, 12 units per strip: Peppermint,  Spearmint & Bubblegum
     616940  PUR Gum Secondary Sku Clip Strip ............................................................1disp  109.95     36  2 08 30028 04476 6   A  G    N    V        E     
          Contains 3 clip strips, 12 units per strip: Wintergreen, Cinnamon & Chocolate Mint
     616935  PUR Mint Clip Strip .....................................................................................1disp  73.92     48  2 08 30028 04438 8   A  G    N    V        E     
          Contains 4 clip strips, 12 units each: Peppermint, Spearmint, Tangerine Tango, Mojito Mint
     616926  PUR Mint Shipper .......................................................................................1disp  147.84     96   8 30028 00781 7   A       N    V        E     
          Contains: 24 bags (2 trays) each: Peppermint mints, Spearmint mints, Tangerine tango, 12 bags (1 tray) each: Mojito mint, Polar mint
     616415  Sea Salt ................................................................................................ 6 x 120g   18.32      6   2 08 30028 00072 2           N  K  V        B     
     616410  Sea Salt Single Serve............................................................................ 60 x 20g   55.77      60  2 08 30028 00188 8           N  K  V        B     
     616405  Sweet & Salty ....................................................................................... 6 x 200g   18.32      6   2 08 30028 00089 9     G    N  K  V        B     
     616315  Mojito Lime Mints ............................................................................... 12 x 20pc   18.48      240   8 30028 00107 5           N    V        B     
     616310  Peppermint Mints ............................................................................... 12 x 20pc   18.48      240   8 30028 00104 4     G    N    V        B     
     616305  Polar Mints ......................................................................................... 12 x 20pc   18.48      240   8 30028 00106 8     G    N    V        B     
     616300  Spearmint Mints ................................................................................. 12 x 20pc   18.48      240   8 30028 00105 1     G    N    V        B     
     616320  Tangerine Tango Mints ........................................................................ 12 x 20pc   18.48      240   8 30028 00108 2     G    N    V        B     
     616235  Bubblegum ............................................................................................12 x 9pc   13.54      240   8 30028 00144 0     G    N    V        B     
     616230  Chocolate Mint ......................................................................................12 x 9pc   13.54      240   8 30028 00146 4     G    N    V        B     
     616225  Cinnamon Gum .....................................................................................12 x 9pc   13.54      240   8 30028 00089 4     G    N    V        B     
     616220  Coolmint Gum .......................................................................................12 x 9pc   13.54      240   8 30028 00079 5     G    N    V        B     
     616210  Peppermint Gum ...................................................................................12 x 9pc   13.54      240   8 30028 00096 2     G    N    V        B     
     616215  Pomegranate Mint .................................................................................12 x 9pc   13.54   20  8 30028 00095 5  B    
     616205  Spearmint Gum .....................................................................................12 x 9pc   13.54      240   8 30028 00094 8     G    N    V        B     
     616200  Wintergreen Gum ..................................................................................12 x 9pc   13.54      240   8 30028 00099 3     G    N    V        B     
     616135  Bubblegum ......................................................................................... 12 x 55pc   36.65      120   8 30028 00148 8     G    N    V        B     
     616130  Chocolate Mint ................................................................................... 12 x 55pc   36.65      120   8 30028 00149 5     G    N    V        B     
     616125  Cinnamon ........................................................................................... 12 x 55pc   36.65      120   8 30028 00082 5     G    N    V        B     
     616120  Coolmint............................................................................................. 12 x 55pc   36.65      120   8 30028 00076 4     G    N    V        B     
     616110  Peppermint ......................................................................................... 12 x 55pc   36.65      120   8 30028 00041 2     G    N    V        B     
     616105  Pomegranate Mint .............................................................................. 12 x 55pc   36.65      120   8 30028 00042 9     G    N    V        B     
     616100  Spearmint Gum .................................................................................. 12 x 55pc   36.65      120   8 30028 00043 6     G    N    V        B     
     616115  Wintergreen Gum ............................................................................... 12 x 55pc   36.65      120   8 30028 00098 6     G    N    V        B     
     616500  PUR THREE Peppermint - New ............................................................ 10 x 12ct   17.93      240   8 30028 00463 2     G    N    V        B     
     616505  PUR THREE Spearmint - New .............................................................. 10 x 12ct   17.93      240   8 30028 00464 9     G    N    V        E     

     PURELYGREAT W                    416-993-2561
     We put your wellness first. As a family run eco-conscious company, each time you apply Purelygreat’s 100% natural deodorant, you can feel super confident that you are using a product that is: Vegan
     Aluminum Free  Triclosan Free  Paraben Free  EWG Verified  Cruelty Free Free
               SAVE 10%  LINE DRIVE JAN & FEB

     608140  Activated Charcoal Citrus .............................................................................50g  7.35  10%  B   6.62  10  6 27843 18150 7  V  B
     608145  Activated Charcoal Lavender ........................................................................50g  7.35  10%  B   6.62  10  6 28250 09403 9  B
     608100  Cream Deodorant - Activ. Charcoal ...............................................................50g  7.35  10%  B   6.62  10  6 27843 18147 7  B
     608120  Cream Deodorant - Citrus For Men ...............................................................50g  7.35  10%  B   6.62  10  6 27843 18144 6  B
     608135  Cream Deodorant - Citrus For Women ..........................................................50g  7.35  10%  B   6.62  10  6 27843 18142 2  B
     608105  Cream Deodorant - Floral ..............................................................................50g  7.35  10%  B   6.62  10  6 27843 18149 1  B
     608130  Cream Deodorant - Lavender ........................................................................50g  7.35  10%  B   6.62  10  6 27843 18143 9  B
     608115  Cream Deodorant - Patchouli ........................................................................50g  7.35  10%  B   6.62  10  6 27843 18145 3  B
     608110  Cream Deodorant - Spice .............................................................................50g  7.35  10%  B   6.62  10  6 27843 18148 4  B
     608125  Cream Deodorant - Unscented .....................................................................50g  7.35  10%  B   6.62  10  6 27843 18141 5  B
     608205  Natural Deodorant Stick - Floral ....................................................................75g  7.35  10%  B   6.62  12  6 28250 09402 2  B
     608200  Natural Deodorant Stick - Lavender...............................................................75g  7.35  10%  B   6.62  12  6 28250 09400 8  B
     608210  Natural Deodorant Stick - Tea Tree ................................................................75g  7.35  10%  B   6.62  12  6 28250 09401 5  B
     PURESSENTIEL                           855-565-7873
     The Efficacy of Nature. The best of Essential Oils form your health and well being. Puressentiel reinvents tomorrow’s health, purer, more natual, more efficacious.
     691305  Diffusion - Air Purifying Blend .....................................................................30ml  7.89  48  3701056801333  N  B
     691156  Citronnella Organic Ess. Oil .........................................................................10ml  7.64  48  6 28075 20174 2  A  B
     691146  Clove Tree Organic Essential Oil ....................................................................5ml  7.64     48   6 28075 20178 0   A    O  N              B
     691175  Eucalyptus Radiata Org Ess Oil ...................................................................10ml  7.64     48   6 28075 20158 2   A    O  N              B
     691136  Organic Sweet Orange Essential Oil ............................................................10ml  7.64     48   6 28075 20180 3   A    O  N              B
     691126  Peppermint Organic Essential Oil ................................................................10ml  9.38     48   6 28075 20170 4   A    O  N              B
    PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 21 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
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