Page 46 - Dar and Winny
P. 46

Dar and  VVinny                                                                                                          44

             Hey  Winny,                          t  came                        But  Winny,                     Yes,  I  know  -
           where did  the                          m  100                     the  universe  is                      both  are
               universe                                                      made  of  matter                     impossible
            come  from?                             THIN                        and  energy?                     to  create  or


           So  where  did                         It  came                       But  that·s                     I  know,  but
             the  energy                          om  100                     impossible?                     it·s  either  that,
             come  from                            OTHIN                                                         or  we  have
                to  make                             too!                                                        to  consider
          the universe?                                                                                             creation!
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