Page 52 - Dar and Winny
P. 52

Dar  and  VVinny                                                                                                          50

           Hey Winny, did  you know there                                       Looks  like                         No  way!
             are dozens  of  ancient stories                                 the  Bible  was                  Al I  the stories
           from  all  round  the  world, about                                  right, after                     come  from
                       a  worldwide  flood?                                         all,eh                        tiny local

           You  mean  almost                          Yeah!                      I  find this                    So  do  I, Dar,
           every civilization                      Amazing                    very  difficult                      but  rm  an
           made  up  a  story                         bit  of                   to  believe,                     evolutionist,
           like  the  Bible                                                       Winny?                        so what  else
           story  by  sheer                                                                                    can  I  believe?
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