Page 23 - Notable Black Preachers
P. 23

Professor William Pierson of Fisk University

              explained how the term "Hoosier" could have
              originated as a derogatory label for those attending

              these rural camp meetings (The Wallbuilder Report,


                                                                         “Such an


                                                                         would offer

                                                                         Indiana a

                                                                         plausible and

                                                                         worthy first

                                                                         Hoosier - 'Black

                                                                         Harry' Hoosier -

                                                                         the greatest

                                                                         preacher of his

                                                                         day, a man who

                                                                         rejected slavery

                                                                         and stood up for

                                                                         morality and the

                                                                         common man."
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