Page 13 - The Outdoor Showman April - June 2022
P. 13
Showmen’s Guild of Australasia
President’s Report
4 Turner Avenue, Yatala, QLD 4207 Ph: (07) 3807 0011
Office Bearers 2022 PRESIDENT
Aaron Pink
Leann Allan
Lewis Osborne John Castle
Robert Young
Glen McGregor Gary Johnson Elwin Bell Jr
Luke Chambers Mick Allan
Clayton Taylor Emile M Verfurth III Stewart Watkins John Roberts
Christopher Hennessy Shane Blades
Peter Short
Michael Wood
David Allan Bradley Chambers Tyrone Miller Grant Johnson Ted Baker
Terry Nilon
Angus Lane
Hello to all our Members and Friends in and around our Community.
I am disappointed to advise that the DMF Insurance scheme has taken a bad turn since my last column.
We have been advised - Inexplicably - that the Liberal Coalition Government would be unable to assist us with the loan. All indications including a recommendation from ASBFEO Ombudsman Bruce Billson were that this was not going to be an issue.
I am hoping that the change in Government may see this decision changed.
As you have probably seen and heard, there have been several “Stop Ride” actions in both NSW and QLD in the last few weeks.
We are hoping that these will bring media attention to our situation.
It was sad that some media outlets such as the Courier Mail advised their circulation - via online and print - that we were stopping work, (should I say rides) at 12PM.
Their article implied that we were not coming back for the rest of the afternoon and the office had to effect “damage control” that we were only stopping for
15 minutes ONLY.
I request that if further Media action is to be taken, that our Delegates and/or the office discuss this with the Show Society in the first place and request their permission.
Most Shows are very aware of the value we bring to their Show so are more than happy to help.
I just think it may be a better approach than a stoppage that they know nothing about.
Hopefully, nearly all SGA Members have had a refund of their fees for all or part of 2021-2022.
This would not be possible without the work of VSG Trustee, Marjorie Chant, VSG Executive Officer Justine Sinclair and SGA Executive Officer Sandi Gordon.
If emailing them or speaking with them, please say a sincere thanks.
Take care and safe travels, and see you at the next Show.
Aaron Pink President