Page 113 - VACC Membership Kit 2023
P. 113

  Colour Guide
How our colours enhance our brand
Blue PMS 661
This colour is one of trust, honesty and loyalty. Blue is reliable and responsible, exhibiting inner security and confidence. Blue is the helper, the rescuer. Blue is safe and non-threatening, the most universally liked colour of all. At the same time blue is persistent and determined to succeed in whichever endeavours it pursues.
Orange PMS 166
The colour psychology of orange is optimistic and uplifting. With its enthusiasm
for life, orange relates to adventure and risk-taking, inspiring physical confidence, competition and independence. A warm and inviting colour, it exhibits energy combined with fun; it is the colour of the go-getter, the extrovert and the uninhibited. In colour psychology it means adventure, optimism, self-confidence and sociability.
This highlights the important contrast between VACC’s two colours: blue and orange. Blue shows VACC as a reliable and helpful organisation
with a great history of supporting its members; orange highlights VACC’s important role in being a dynamic and responsive organisation that assists its members to operate in the rapidly changing automotive industry.
Grey (30 percent black)
Grey provides a neutral partner to both corporate colours providing support rather than a competing third tone. It has limited use.
C0 M64 Y100 K0 R244 G123 B32 Hex: #f47b20
Tint: 50% and 20%
C100 M69 Y0 K9 R22 G86 B158 Hex: #16569e
Tint: 50% and 15%
Black 30 percent C0 M0 Y0 K30 R210 G210 B209

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