Page 83 - VACC Membership Kit 2023
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 (j) All elections for the determination of representation on a Divisional Executive Committee or the Industry Policy Council shall be conducted in accordance with clause 32(a).
(k) The President, the Secretary and the Chief Executive Officer shall ex officio be entitled to attend any meetings convened by any Division or Affiliated Association.
(a) Any Member who has not paid their Subscription, call or other sums presently payable by them or it to the Association within one month of its due date shall automatically be regarded as unfinancial and not entitled to vote at any meetings or proceedings nor enjoy any other privileges of Membership.
(b) The Member must be provided with a notice advising that they have become unfinancial, and that they will cease to be a Member of the Association if they do not pay the Subscription, call or other sums payable within 42 days of the due date.
(c) If a Member fails to pay any Subscription, call or other sums presently payable by them to the Association within 42 days of the due date, they shall ipso facto cease to be a Member of the Association but their Membership may be reinstated at the discretion of the Executive Board on payment of all arrears.
(d) Any Member may resign their Membership in accordance with this clause 11 and from the date of such resignation such Member will cease to be a Member, but will nevertheless remain liable for and pay to the Association all moneys which at the time they cease to be a Member may be due by the Member to the Association, and at once return (at their cost) all badges, certificates, and/or other property of the Association held by the Member.
(e) Subject to section 178 of the Act, any dues payable but not paid by a former Member of the Association, in relation to a period before the Member’s resignation from the Association took effect, may be sued for and recovered in the name of the Association, in a court of competent jurisdiction, as a debt due to the Association.
(f) A notice of resignation by a Member must be in writing and addressed to the Secretary and must be delivered to the Secretary by:
(i) leaving it with the Secretary personally;
(ii) leaving it in an envelope addressed to the Secretary at the registered office of the Association; or
(iii) posting it in an envelope addressed to the Secretary at the registered office of the Association
(g) The notice of resignation takes effect:
(i) where the Member ceases to be eligible to become a Member of the Association:
(A) on the day on which the notice is received by the Association; or
(B) on the day specified in the notice, which is a day not earlier than the day when the Member ceases to be eligible to become a Member,
whichever is later; or
(ii) in any other case:
(A) at the end of two weeks after the notice is received by the Association; or
(B) on the day specified in the notice,
whichever is later.
 191V: Incorporates alterations of 5 February 2021 (R2020/198 and D2020/19) Page 13 of 33 Pages

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