Page 88 - VACC Membership Kit 2023
P. 88

 (iv) If the AEC is unable to conduct elections of the Executive Board before the expiry of the two-year term of an Officer, that Officer shall continue in office until their successor is declared elected.
(v) The term of an Officer elected to the Executive Board at the meeting convened under 17(b)(iii) shall be reduced by such period as the preceding Officer remained in office beyond two years under 17(b)(iv). Elections to subsequent Executive Boards shall then proceed in accordance with the procedures in these Rules.
(a) Each Division or Affiliated Association in existence from time to time is entitled to one nomination for the nine positions on the Executive Board. Nominations must be in the hands of the Returning Officer at least seven weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting at which the Executive Board is to be declared.
(b) To be qualified for a position on the Executive Board, the candidate must be a member of an Executive Committee of a Division or Affiliated Association.
(c) Each Division or Affiliated Association’s nomination shall be elected by ballot by the members of the Executive Committee of that Division or Affiliated Association.
(d) No person may be nominated by more than one Division, Affiliated Association and/or category of Membership. Where this occurs, clause 32(b) will apply.
(e) If the number of nominations received from the Divisions or Affiliated Associations in accordance with clause 18(c) is equal to the number of vacancies on the Executive Board to be filled, or if there are insufficient nominations received to fill all vacancies on the Executive Board, then those nominations will be declared elected.
(f) If there are insufficient nominations received to fill all vacancies on the Executive Board, each Division or Affiliated Association is entitled to submit one nomination for the remaining vacancies on the Executive Board. Nominations in accordance with this clause 18(f) must be in the hands of the Returning Officer within two weeks of notice being given to the Divisions and Affiliated Associations that they are entitled to submit a further nomination.
(g) If the number of nominations received from the Divisions or Affiliated Associations in accordance with clause 18(c) (and, if applicable, 18(f)) exceeds the number of vacancies on the Executive Board to be filled, those nominations will be elected by the Members in accordance with the provisions of clause 32. The ballot material must be sent to the Members on the roll of voters no later than four weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting at which the Executive Board is to be declared and the ballot will close on a date which is at least one week prior to that Annual General Meeting.
 191V: Incorporates alterations of 5 February 2021 (R2020/198 and D2020/19) Page 18 of 33 Pages

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