Page 91 - VACC Membership Kit 2023
P. 91

(a) Subject to clause 23(b), the Executive Board may meet as often as is deemed necessary for the dispatch of business. Subject to this Constitution, the Executive Board may adjourn and otherwise regulate its meetings as it thinks fit.
(b) The Executive Board must meet at least six times in each calendar year.
(c) Unless all Executive Board members agree to hold a meeting at shorter notice either by agreement that is sufficiently evidenced in writing or by their presence, or in accordance with clause 23(f), not less than two days written notice of Executive Board meetings must be given to each member of the Executive Board.
(d) Written notice of each Executive Board meeting, specifying the general nature of the time, date and place of the Executive Board meeting and the business to be transacted, must be served on each member of the Executive Board by:
(i) delivering it to that board member personally; or
(ii) sending it in writing, by facsimile, email or other means of electronic communication, in accordance with that Executive Board member’s last notified contact details.
(e) Notice may be given of more than one Executive Board meeting at the same time.
(f) In cases of urgency, a meeting can be held without notice being given in accordance with clause 23(c), provided that as much notice as practicable is given to each member of the Executive Board by the quickest means practicable.
(g) Any resolution made at an Executive Board meeting called in accordance with clause 23(f) must be passed by an absolute majority of the Executive Board.
(h) Five members of the Executive Board personally present will constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of a meeting of the Executive Board.
(i) The President or Vice-President or Secretary while presiding as chairman will not have a casting vote.
(j) A person entitled to attend a meeting of the Executive Board may attend the meeting via Electronic Communication, in such manner as may be determined by the Executive Board from time to time.
(k) Where a person is permitted to participate in a meeting via Electronic Communication, the person’s attendance will be counted toward the quorum and the person will be permitted to participate in the meeting as if he/she were present at the place where the meeting was convened.
(l) Where a person is permitted to participate in a meeting via Electronic Communication, the person’s attendance will be counted toward the quorum and the person will be permitted to participate in the meeting as if he/she were present at the place where the meeting was convened.
(m) The Executive Board will have the power to make circulating resolutions. A resolution in writing signed or assented to by facsimile or other form of Electronic Communication by all the voting members of the Executive Board, will be as valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a meeting of the Executive Board duly convened and held. Any such resolution may consist of several documents in like form each signed by one or more of the members of the Executive Board.
 191V: Incorporates alterations of 5 February 2021 (R2020/198 and D2020/19) Page 21 of 33 Pages

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