Page 12 - The Outdoor Showman April - June 2021
P. 12
Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain
The 500th edition is a great milestone!
Our own World’s Fair weekly newspaper clocked-up
5000 editions with a special anniversary issue, celebrating the 1000th, 2000th, 3000th, 4000th and 5000th editions and then folded 8 issues (weeks later) on 2nd December 2019 - just when we needed it most!
We do see the Outdoor Showman and it is a good read; reminding me of my time in Australia in 1994-5 in WA, in time for the Royal Perth Show; the Northern Territory and the Gild Coast; as well as in Sydney, in time for the reopening of Luna Park with my namesake Des Wittingslow. Happy memories indeed...
You currently also have one of our leading Fairground Artists with you: Mark Gill - protégé of the renowned Fred Fowle over here. We are in touch with Mark too regularly on social media.
2020 has been a torrid time over here as it has been with you and we have teamed up with the smaller fairground trade associations and the Circus Proprietors Association in common cause - as well as reaching out to many other organisations in the outdoor event industry - fighting to
be heard and understood - in competition with every other community and industry.
There is a lot to tell and we
are also reminded of the great campaigning that we have seen that you have undertaken in the
media and in the parliaments there.
Some fairs are reopening in England; whilst Scotland remains closed and we are looking forward to reopening in Wales and Northern Ireland.
We welcome the opportunity
to share some pieces from the 7,000 documents that I have used this last year in our lobbying to parliamentarians on reopening and on funding and more, along with a roundup of it all from our President, Philip Paris.
Once again, congratulations on achieving 500 issues of the Outdoor Showman magazine.
Desmond FitzGerald LLB
Public Affairs Manager
The Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain
The Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain’s President, Philip Paris speaks on his experience of the Covid-19 pandemic and its effect on his industry nationwide
PhilipParis,PresidentoftheShowmen’s Guild of Great Britain, with 4,700 members, representing 30,000 family members, spoke out recently on the issues that the Fairground industry and its supply chain facesacross the country, from the effects that the current pandemic is having on the industry and the Showmen’s community.
Acknowledging the scale of the effect that the loss of 80 percent of the fairs across the country with the financial and social implications on the Guild’s members, Philip acknowledged:
“I am aware that there is a great deal of frustration being expressed which is understandable
Mr Paris went on to explain how he, along with his two Vice Presidents, have been working non-stop, supported by the General Secretary; The National
TreasurerandtheCentralOfficeteam, in planning and putting into action a series of initiatives. He explained:
“We have been involved in many teleconference meetings, (essential for full consultation with the membership & regional Sections and for planning actions to take forward) including other Trade Associations in the outdoor entertainment industry: “We intend to continue the good relationship we have with them.”
The President additionally took a lead role in meetings with
• the Department of Culture, Media and Sport.(DCMS);
• with HM Treasury regarding RED DIESEL, the rebated power source needed for fairs in remote locations, ahead of the agreed submission to the Treasury Consultation;
• withtheWestminsterAllParty Parliamentary Group (APPG)on Fairs and Showgrounds;
• the Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group;
• with sister trade associations, BALPPA and with BACTA and with Amusement Device Inspection Procedures Scheme (ADIPS and ADSC safety)
In May, Philip Paris appeared in Leaders Council podcast alongside Lord Blunkett; within their talking to leadership figures from across the nation.
The Guild President hit the airwaves again with six BBC regional radio interviews on 4th June.
Reassuring Members, the President used several channels
Continued of pages 12 & 13