Page 15 - The Outdoor Showman April - June 2021
P. 15

 Showmen thank NHS with donations to Durham and Middlesbrough hospitals
John Culine former president of the Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain A RETIRED showman has spoken of his pride after seeing grounded funfair operators help frontline workers during the Covid-19 crisis.
John Culine, a former president of
The Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain, compared his industry’s response
to coronavirus to that of the world wars when fairground families raised money to help the country’s war effort.
Mr Culine, who was made an MBE
in 2007 for services to the Guild
and his home town of Spennymoor, County Durham, said: “This is a very trying time and showmen are just like every other person who is either a director, labourer or a self- employed person.
“For the first time showmen everywhere are shut, their businesses are being maintained or packed away. It feels even harder because they’d have been busy during the holidays and good weather.
“All showmen are grateful, like everyone else, for the NHS and all the frontline so they’re out there contributing.
“I’m very proud.”
Immediately after lockdown was announced The Northern section of the Guild, one of ten covering Great Britain, pledged £2,000 to help those in need.
Members called four hospitals across the region and asked staff for a wish list of provisions and set about collecting and delivering them.
A lorry owned by Michael O’Brien,
of Hetton-le-Hole, was emblazoned with a thank-you message to the
NHS, for free by James Thomas Toogood, and with Tina Manders
they took donations to Sunderland Royal Hospital, The University Hospital of North Durham, James Cook University Hospital in Middlebrough and Northumbria Hospital.
Many members have put up signs at their winter quarters to thank the NHS.
Mr Culine said the campaign echoes
the Guild’s response to both world
wars, when showmen staged blackout fairgrounds to keep up morale and Guild members funded 12 ambulances, a Spitfire named Fun of the Fair, provided a Forces buffet fund and provided heavy lorries for the war effort.
Mr Culine said: “I want to promote the
John Culine at his depot at Tudhoe, County Durham, with signs provided by Vera Wright.
showmen who are doing this, because even though their businesses are closed down, they will just keep quiet and get on with their lives and no one will know who they really are and what they are doing, especially in very difficult times with no income coming in.”
By Catherine Priestley
The Northern Eco (Sedgefield) Picture: SARAH CALDECOTT
   Showmen’s Guild regional teams support NHS with donations and activity April – May 2021
Congratulations to the Showmen and women of Great Britain who have supported their communities and NHS with donations and deliveries to hospitals from
16 groups in different parts of the country to their local and regional hospitals
and other healthcare facilities.
Collectively Showmen and women collected and donated £20,000
• £11,690declaredfrom9activities
• 5Estimatedcollections/donations:£6,494
• Totalcollected/donated:£18,184
• Severalothersmalleractivitiesunaccountedfor
• Severalotherfurtheractivitiesnotdeclared
• Estimatedtotalcollected/donated:£20,000includingfood,drinksand monetary donations.

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