Page 11 - The Outdoor Showman January-March 2021
P. 11

 Showmen’s Guild of Australasia
President’s Report
 4 Turner Avenue, Yatala, QLD P.O. Box 690
Beenleigh QLD 4207
Ph: (07) 3807 0011
Fax: (07) 3807 0730
Office Bearers 2020 PATRON
Angus Lane
George Pink
Shelley Pink-Easey
Peter Short
Doreen Brown Lewis Osborne
Luke Chambers Gary Johnson Robert Young Shane Blades Stewart Watkins Glen McGregor Glenn Pink
Emile M Verfurth III Elwin Bell Jnr Clayton Taylor
John Roberts Ted Baker Aaron Pink Michael Wood Brad Chambers David Allan Tyrone Miller Terry Nilon Jesse McDonald Luke Hennessy
Hello Fellow Showmen
and Women,
We are back doing Shows and it feels good.
Queensland’s first show of the year was Stanthorpe and they did a cracker of a job setting the Covid plan on fire and passed with flying colours. Brett Nick AKA Boaty the President was gracious enough to allow us to send his plan to all show societies to give them a head start and take the stress out.
We have had great feedback from this, as it has given
them the confidence to carry on where before it was very daunting. Thank you Boaty, you and your committee are very gracious. New
South Wales first Guild Show was Glen Innes and it went off perfectly with some small changes, but the committee took it in their stride and had a full show and made it look easy. This was followed up by Guyra show which was an outstanding success. We have a Chamber group meeting accommodated by the Glen Innes Show Society and had many positive conversations, so looking forward to see the results.
Maitland had a Carnival last week and our delegation Lew Osborne, Luke Chambers Garry Johnson, Aaron Pink and a big Thank you to Rodney Thompson for all of your work. The team has worked very hard to keep our members working and to give confidence to shows to carry on. Maitland Carnival was successful with some small disruptions, but all ironed out and all round a good event.
Our delegation have had some very tough negotiations with Newcastle Show and after many long debates come back with a very positive outcome for our members and a two year deal. Congratulations to our delegation once again.
Inverell cancelled the show but we put on a Carnival and it was widely well received.
From all reports the Carnivals in Victoria are going well and receiving great crowds with all of the snap lock downs and disruptions they are not giving up and reaping the rewards. Congratulations guys!
Luke Chambers, Shane Blades and Aaron Pink had many meetings over the Christmas period with positive outcomes. We have a full run to work on the New South Wales Coast after Easter.
Wauchope and Macksville will be carnivals but all the other shows will be run by the Show Society.
The Western run in New South Wales is going full steam ahead Hawkesbury, Bathurst, Orange, Wellington, Dubbo, Cobar, and Ningan and we will keep you updated on our Facebook page of news arising.
Country New South Wales Shows are in full swing, Gunedah, Narrabri, Moree, Wee Waa, moving into Queensland again to Goondiwindi we will keep you posted as we receive more news.
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Victorian Showmens Guild and all involved in registration improvements for the members, you guys have worked very hard and had wonderful success WELL DONE. Looking forward to a super 2021.
See you at the Show!
George Pink President

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