Page 18 - The Outdoor Showman January-March 2021
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   Following representations made
by the Victorian Showmen’s Guild and as part of the Victorian Government’s support for small businesses impacted by Covid-19, vehicle registration discounts are temporarily available for certain vehicles operated by current financial members of the Victorian Showmen’s Guild.
From 23 February 2021 until 30 June 2021, vehicle registrations will be renewed at a discounted rate of up to 50% of the registration fee. The discount will be provided to operators of load-carrying light motor vehicles (utes, wagons and light trucks)
and heavy vehicles. Load-carrying trailers will have a nil registration fee. Motorcycles, caravans and vehicles
without a carrying capacity such
as sedans are not eligable for the discount.
Transport Accident Charges are payable at the normal applicable rate.
VicRoads has amended the registration records of member’s vehicles eligable for the discount and will send registration renewal notices at the discounted rates
as they fall due.
Registration renewals after 30 June 2021 will be charged at the full rate.
Should a member of the Guild purchase a new vehicle at a dealership, they should inform the dealer that they are (until 30 June 2021) eligable for a
‘primary producer discount’ and produce a copy of their Showmen’s Guild membership card.
If a member receives a registration renewal (other than for motorcycle, boat trailer, caravan or sedan)
that is not at the discounted rate, they should contact VicRoads on 13 11 71 and request that the primary producer discount be provided on the basis they are a member of the Victorian Showmen’s Guild.
Proof of membership will need to be provided.
Should you have any questions, please contact the Vicrtorian Showmen’s Guild on vicshowmen@ or 03 9376 8544.
ASA Activity Update February 2021
2021 National Finals Championships
The 2021 National Young Judges, Paraders and Rural Ambassador Championships will be hosted by Queensland Ag Shows and located at Brisbane Royal Show (The Ekka). The Championship schedule is being finalised with the likelihood of all competitions being held across Saturday 7th, Sunday 8th and Monday 9th August 2021. We are pleased to again have the support of Australian Wool Industry
(AWI) for both the Merino and Merino Fleece competitions.
Reminder: 2021 ASA Annual General Meeting
The 2021 Agricultural Shows of Australia AGM will be held on Monday 5th April 2021 starting at 9am. Details will be sent prior to the 12th March 2021, so keep an eye out for that email shortly.
There will be both a zoom and in person option for our members. Those members who are present at the 2021 Sydney Royal Easter Show can express an interest
to attend in person (location to be confirmed closer to the time) however this will be limited due to the size of the room. Australian Young Farmers Challenge Grant Closed!
Agricultural Shows Australia (ASA)
have received funding from a Federal Government Grants program: Building Landcare Community Capacity (BLCC)
as part of the Smart Farming Program under Phase 2 of the National Landcare Program. The purpose of the program is
to support the sharing of knowledge and achievements and promote community leadership.
Currently, the AYFC is a demonstration of the talent, skills, techniques and safe work methods that young farmers use every day for work. Competitors are asked to do their best to complete the challenges correctly against the clock,
as well to focus on safety, and most importantly, enjoy the competition and provide entertainment to the audience. Over 100 competitions are run annually at agricultural shows across Australia, however there is a huge scope to expand this network of youth in agriculture.
The AYFC Regional Grant Program supports the costs of organising and running AYFC competitions at a local, regional and state level across Australia. From start-up competitions through to established local competitions looking to expand into regional and state competitions, funding submissions will be accepted from all eligible organising committees.
This round of funding closed on Friday, 19th February. We had a large number of applicants, which highlights the growing interest in the Young Farmer’s Challenge. The successful applicants will be informed mid-March after the review process. National Rural Ambassador Award
As part of the recent Federal Grant Support Ag Shows and Field Days, our National Rural Ambassador
Program received $100K grant for operational support.
A formal strategic review process is underway between both State and Royal bodies though discovery workshops.
The findings and final report are due at
the end of March. Following on from this report, the State Affiliated members will
be supported through tailored, effective brand awareness and engagement campaigns to increase the number and calibre of entrants, and elevate the profile of the National ASA Rural Ambassador Award. Social Media
Keep an eye out for our recent interviews with past National Young Judges competitors on our Facebook page. These interviews highlight the enormous benefits these competitions provide both personally and professionally. Each interview touches
on skills learnt, how to get involved in competing and the benefits gained.
2022 ASA Conference
We are pleased to announce South
Australia Next Generation Group will be collaborating with ASA on the 2022
National Conference to be held in South Australia. We look forward to working
with SA Next Generation Group,
Agricultural Societies Council of South Australia & The Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of South Australia
over the next 18 months to produce a
timely, topic specific conference.
Katie Stanley
Executive Officer

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