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Philanthropic support accounts
                                                                                                                       for more than 45% of our budget.
                                                                                                                       Tax-deductible donations from
                                                                                                                       patrons allow us to produce the
      SUPPORT STAGES!                                                                                                  quality theatrical experiences
                                                                                                                       you’ve come to expect.


      Philanthropic support from our generous community of donors helps                           BECOME A                     OF STAGES
       Your support helps Stages engage artists, build sets and costumes,
        Stages engage artists and technicians, build sets and costumes, hire
       hire designers and guest directors, offer education and community
        designers and guest directors, offer education and community outreach                Make a gift of $100 or more to become a Friend of Stages and start receiving
       outreach programs, and so much more including:
      programs, and so much more.                                                           great donor benefits like special recognition and invitations to exclusive events.
      Now, we are facing an unprecedented global challenge that is having                MEMBER $100 - $249
              A varied, year-round season of theater, including a broad range of
      an  immediate impact on our artists and our ability to gather together as          • Print recognition in the program for every Stages production
              artistic experiences, from progressive new works to popular jukebox
      a  community. Even though our physical theaters are temporarily dark,              • Invitation to Stages' annual end-of-season celebration with the artists who make it all possible
      our  purpose remains clear and will be more necessary than ever as our
        community regroups and reconnects in the months ahead.
              The creation and production of new works that inspire audiences,           SUPPORTER $250 - $499
              help artists grow, and build Houston’s reputation as a vibrant
      As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, Stages remains responsive and                  • Invitation to a special Masterclass event to learn about the creation of live theater
                                                                                         • All of the benefits of Friend level support
              world-class theater city.
        is adapting programming for the 2020-2021 Season to allow for greater
        flexibility, innovative virtual performances and a focus on artist, audience
        and staff safety when in-person performances at The Gordy resume.                ADVOCATE $500 - $999
              A thriving ecosystem in Houston where artists can build sustainable
              careers and organizations collaborate and share resources. Stages is       • Invitation to join members of the Board of Directors and other Stages supporters
      Your gift now will help us employ artists and technicians, invest in                   at our annual holiday celebration
              committed to providing a livable wage for artists and plans at least
                                                                                         • All of the benefits of Supporter level support
      new resources for virtual programming, and ensure that we are ready
              one co-production with another organization each season.
      to welcome you back to The Gordy as soon we’re able to gather                      PATRON $1,000 - $1,499
        together again!
              The development of each new generation of artists and technicians          • Invitation to an exclusive annual season launch event
              through programs like Stages’ Young Artists Conservatory for middle        • All of the benefits of Advocate level support
              and high school students, ongoing internship programs with local
              universities and community colleges, and student matinees that
              introduce children to the power of live theater.
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