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Boat Buying Tips

 Cඐ඗඗ඛඍ Tඐඍ Rඑඏඐග B඗ඉග  the same - but there exists a perfect boat for you and yours.
 Narrow your choices to a short list of boat categories and  Use your short list of features and brands to quantify your ob-
 make a short list of features that you require, features that  servations. Make a chart, and use it to rank your top choices.
 you would like, and features that you want to stay away from.
 Find the boat that will be right just for you and your family.  Bඝඡ Wඐඍඖ Y඗ඝ Aකඍ Rඍඉඌඡ
 Reminder: There is no correct amount of time that it should
 Cඐ඗඗ඛඍ Tඐඍ Rඑඏඐග Dඍඉඔඍක  take to shop for a boat. For some, one afternoon is all that
 Once you have narrowed your category choices down, then  they need. It takes others several years. The right time for you
 the real fun begins. It’s time to go shopping. Visit a local boat  to buy a boat is when you are ready. Boat shows often off er
 show and board as many boats as you can. Consider all  “show specials” to entice you to purchase at the show. Ask
 available options. See a list of boat shows   the dealer if he/she would honor that price
 in your area. Remember, you are interview-  in a few weeks after doing some more shop-
 ing your dealer as well as searching for   ping. Chances are the answer will be yes.
 the perfect boat. You want to fi nd the right
 boat-brand-dealer combination. Ask similar   Tඐඍ Tඍඛග Dකඑඞඍ
 questions to each dealer to compare ap-  Did you realize that you can test drive a boat?
 ples to apples. You may not know the exact   The way a boat handles, and the way it feels
 boat that you want yet, but you know what   on the water, is a very important consid-
 kind of experience and service that you   eration. Bring the family along for your test
 want to have, so don’t be afraid to ask the   drive, and try to test the boat in the types of
 hard questions.   conditions where you will be using it.

 C඗ඖඛඑඌඍක Wඉකකඉඖගඑඍඛ  Tඐඍ C඗ඛග Oඎ Oඟඖඍකඛඐඑ඘
 Investigate the warranties for every boat   For most, the cost of owning a boat is nothing
 you are considering. Warranties are valu-  compared to the benefi ts derived from own-
 able, and an important factor that should   ing and using your own boat. Nonetheless,
 infl uence your decision. Some warranties are transferable,  be sure you understand that the cost of owning a boat in-
 which may become a selling point if you decide to sell your  cludes more than just the fi berglass. Find out more about the
 boat. Find out what the warranty includes (engine, hull, com-  costs of boat ownership.
 ponents, accessories, service, etc.) and  fi nd out about the
 service that you will receive if something fails. A good way to  Lඍඉකඖඑඖඏ T඗ Uඛඍ Y඗ඝක Nඍඟ B඗ඉග
 do this is to ask for references. If you are considering buying  Boating is not diffi  cult, but driving a boat, like anything else,
 a pre-owned boat, be sure to get a marine survey - hire this  is a skill. If you have not already, sign up for boater education
 person yourself to ensure that the survey is done with your  courses where you can learn the rules of navigation. For on-
 interests in mind.  the-water training, some dealers provide captains to train you
 on how to use your boat. Others leave it up to you to learn.
 Kඍඍ඘ A L඗ඏ  Most marinas and dealerships have a network of captains or
 At the boat show and as you visit local dealerships, document  experienced boaters that you can hire to show you the ropes
 everything. Take pictures of the dashboard, the galley, and  on your own boat. Most likely the only parts that will require
 the head. Take notes, or record your reactions on a recording  practice will be docking, launching and retrieving your boat.
 device. Involve your family with the decision and listen to their  The best tip here is just to take it slow and practice.
 likes and dislikes about each boat. No two boats are exactly
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