Page 10 - 0905Kaohsiung EDA
P. 10

E-DA Theme Park Restaurant

           Name              Location                     Contents
     Greek Wedding       Acropolis          delicious  coffee,hot  fried  dishes,  or
     Cafes               大衛城                exquisite meals
     希臘婚禮咖啡              2F
     衛城美食部落              Acropolis          There  are  all  kinds  of  Chinese  food
     Acropolis Food      大衛城                and Western food.
     Court               2F
     聖城餐廳                Acropolis          Freshly cooked Chinese cuisine
     Acropolis Fusion    大衛城  4F

     希臘餐廳                Santorini          Enjoying  all  kinds  of  exotic  dishes
     Greece              聖托里尼山城             elegantly
     Restaurant          1F                 We have themed set meal or pasta
     太陽神  Apollo         Santorini          Korean style dim sum
     Palace              聖托里尼山城
     天降奇冰                Trojan Castle 特    Ice  cream  muffins  or  multi-flavored
     Ice World           洛伊城堡 1F            snowflake ice products

     洋雞速食  Yang-         Trojan Castle 特    Fried  chicken,  burgers,  French  fries,
     ki Fast Food        洛伊城堡 1F            thick soup, bring you full of American
     大樹紅豆咖啡              Trojan Castle 特    Chinese and Western food
     Love Pea Cafe       洛伊城堡 1F
     銅鑼燒  Sweet          Trojan Castle 特    Korean style dim sum
     Dorayaki            洛伊城堡 2F
     特洛伊餐廳               Trojan Castle 特    Chinese and Western food
     Troy estaurant      洛伊城堡 3F

     轟炸雞  Fried          Trojan Castle 特    Fried chicken with grilled chicken, or
     Chicken House       洛伊城堡 3F            burger  with  french  fries  and  Cold
     城堡故事餐廳              Trojan Castle 特    Authentic Japanese-style ramen, and a
     Castle Story        洛伊城堡 RF            variety  of  classic  Japanese-style
     Restaurant                             snacks.

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