Page 262 - Airplane Flying Handbook
P. 262

empty   weight + unusable fuel = standard empty weight

        standard   empty weight + optional equipment = licensed empty weight

        Empty   weight is the weight of the standard airplane, full hydraulic fluid, and undrainable oil. Unusable fuel is the fuel remaining in

        the airplane not available to   the engines. Standard empty weight is the empty weight plus unusable fuel. When optional equipment is

        added     the standard empty weight, the result is licensed empty weight. Licensed empty weight, therefore, includes the standard


        airplane,   optional equipment, full hydraulic fluid, unusable fuel, and undrainable oil.

        The major   difference between the two formats (GAMA and the old) is that basic empty weight includes full oil and licensed empty

        weight does not. Oil should   always be added to any weight and balance utilizing a licensed empty weight.

        When   the airplane is placed     in service, amended weight and balance documents are prepared by appropriately-rated maintenance

        personnel to   reflect changes in installed equipment. The old weight and balance documents are customarily marked “superseded” and

        retained     in the AFM/POH.   Maintenance   personnel are under   no   regulatory obligation to utilize the GAMA terminology, so weight

        and   balance documents subsequent to the original may use a variety of terms. Pilots should use care to determine whether or not oil

        has to   be added to the weight and balance calculations or if it is already included in the figures provided.

        The multiengine airplane is   where most pilots encounter the term “zero fuel weight” for the first time. Not all multiengine airplanes

        have a zero   fuel weight limitation published     in their   AFM/POH,   but many do. Zero   fuel weight is simply the maximum allowable

        weight of   the airplane and payload, assuming there is no usable fuel on board. The actual airplane is not devoid of fuel at the time of

        loading,     f course. This is merely a calculation that assumes it was. If a zero fuel weight limitation is published, then all weight in


        excess     f that figure should consist of usable fuel. The purpose of a zero fuel weight is to limit load forces on the wing spars with


        heavy   fuselage loads.

        Assume a hypothetical multiengine airplane with   the following weights and capacities:
            Basic empty   weight 3,200 lbs

            Zero   fuel weight 4,400 lbs

            Maximum   takeoff weight 5,200 lbs
            Maximum   usable fuel 180 gal

        1. Calculate the useful load:

            Maximum   takeoff weight 5,200 lbs

            Basic empty   weight –3,200 lbs

            Useful load   2,000 lbs

        The useful load     is the maximum combination of usable fuel, passengers, baggage, and cargo that the airplane is capable of carrying.

        2. Calculate the payload:

            Zero   fuel weight 4,400 lbs
            Basic empty   weight –3,200 lbs

            Payload   1,200 lbs


        The payload     is the maximum combination     f passengers, baggage, and cargo that the airplane is capable of carrying.     A zero fuel

        weight, if   published, is the limiting weight.
        3. Calculate the fuel capacity   at maximum payload (1,200 lb):

            Maximum   takeoff weight 5,200 lbs
            Zero   fuel weight –4,400 lbs

            Fuel allowed   800 lbs

        Assuming   maximum payload, the only weight permitted in excess of the zero fuel weight should consist of usable fuel. In this case,

        133.3   gallons (gal).

        4. Calculate the payload   at maximum fuel capacity (180 gal):

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