Page 25 - Tubelite Electrical Catalog
P. 25

CALL 800 -505 - 4900      F AX 800 -505 - 7 454

                                                                                     LED LIGHTING

                                                                      BORDER TUBING & ACCENT                          LIGHTING

        ColorLINE Neon-inspired tubing
        Add neon-like appeal to any building with this patented LED-based rigid tubing
        system. ColorLINE offers the brightest tubing light output, a neon-like profile, and
        innovative  lit,  mitered  corners.  Completely  assembled  and  sealed  tubes  ready  for
        u Colors retain hue in daytime
        u Neutral frosted white color when non-illuminated
        u High impact acrylic: UV stable, hydrocarbon insensitive, and non-fading
        u Can be factory bent to minimum 9.75 inch radius                  Dimensions Width 0.44 in (11 mm)
        u Three lit mitered corner configurations                          Base width 0.59 in (15 mm)
        u Convenient, weatherproof connectors between sections             Height 1.00 in (25 mm)
                                                                           Operating temperature -40° C to +70° C
        u Can be cut in the field
                                                                           Power per foot/meter 2.28 W/7.5 W
        Available in 2, 4, 6 & 8 ft. tubing lengths

              Color                                Color
              701800-W  White                     701800-RR - Red X2
              701800-WW  Warm White               701800A-B - Blue
              701800-Y  Yellow                    701800C-B - Bromo Blue
              701800-NG - Noviol Gold             701800C-O - Citrus Orange     Colorline Mounting Clip
              701800-O Orange                     701800C-G - Emerald Green       Item           Quantity
              701800-R- Red                       701800-G - Green               400381-25         25

                                                                           Outside Mitered Corners
                                                                           12.625” x 12.625”
           Item          Type      Color      Item        Type    Color       Item                Color
          701361-B       Joint     Blue      701363-B  Inside Corner  Blue   701800-OC-BLUE        Blue
          701361-R       Joint      Red      701363-R  Inside Corner  Red    701800-OC-GREEN      Green
          701361-W       Joint     White     701363-W  Inside Corner  White  701800-OC-ORANGE     Orange
          701361-Y       Joint     Amber                                     701800-OC-RED         Red
           Item           Type       Color                                   701800-OC-WHITE      White
                                                                             701800-OC-YELLOW     Yellow
          701362-B     Outside Corner  Blue
          701362-R     Outside Corner  Red
          701362-W     Outside Corner  White
          701362-Y     Outside Corner  Amber
           Item           Type       Color
          701364-R-B    Step Corner   Red

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