Page 7 - Salle_Catalog
P. 7



              SALLE® Controller

              A dual redundancy system to
              manage your power and insure
              many years of trouble-free
              maintenance for your sign. This
              system will regulate the power
              from the solar panels though
              the SALLE  controller batteries,
              then manage the power for the                                           SALLE® Controller
              batteries through the SALLE                                             and Bronze Controller
              controller to the sign. This will                                       Packages Include:
              ensure your batteries will get
              the maximum life for your signs.                                         Solar Collection Array
              5-Year Warranty                                                         Batteries with enclosure

                                                                                      Mounting brackets and hardware
                                                                                      Master Control Unit: Time Clock, Photo
                                                                                      Controller, Battery Storage Banks
                                                                                      All cabling, NEC approved for photo
                                                                                      voltaic use in exterior locations
                                                                                      All connectors, IP68 Rated clearly
                                                                                      labeled for easy proper connections
              SALLE® Bronze Controller                                                2-year Battery Warranty
                                                                                      5-year Warranty on other components
              For directional signage and
              billboards with the same solar
              technology on a smaller scale
              with fewer added features.
              1-Year Warranty

                                              800.505.4900                        7
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