Page 37 - digital culture book benefits version_Neat
P. 37
At the heart of everything we do, is a
desire to deliver the best possible
customer experience.
It is foundational in delivering on our
purpose, and it's in our DNA.
As part of our dedication and Customer feedback collected via two ways:
commitment to continuous improvement
and customer experience, CCX DNA is Transactional: a survey will be
how we better understand our automatically triggered when
customers. the Delivery Coordinator marks
an engagement as complete.
CCX DNA defines and shapes our actions
by listening and acting on the feedback
we get from our customers, and using Relationship: surveys will be
this insight to replicate what works, and automatically triggered
improve what doesn’t. once every quarter to a subset of
customer accounts.
In conjunction with Ignite, we can
continuously improve across all aspects
of our business, ensuring that we meet
and exceed our customers’ expectations. Find out more