Page 43 - audiovisual media- A Visual Quest for Climate Harmony_Neat
P. 43
Direction: Answer the Following Questions!
D i re c t i o n : A n s w e r t h e F o l l o w i n g Q u e s t i o n s !
1. In the passage, it is mentioned that people using a lot of
gas and cutting down too many trees make the Earth
warmer. Why is this not good, and what problems does
it cause?
2. How do you think people can help prevent climate
change based on what you've read? Can you think of
any small actions we can take in our daily lives?
3. What do you think might happen if climate change
continues to get worse? How could it affect people,
animals, and the places we live?
4. Do you think it is important for everyone to understand
and do something about climate change? Why or why
not? What role can individuals, communities, and
governments play in addressing this issue?
5. In a few sentences, can you summarize the main
message of the passage about climate change and its
effects on the Earth? What are the key points you would
share with someone who hasn't read the passage?*