P. 6

T                       t ote

              r i b u t e   h   l a t e
                 MR S .   E L I Z A B E T H   D E D E   ME N S A H

                 F R O M:   G R A N D C H I L D R E N

     They say you can see someone just now and the next              FROM FREDA AND CHRISTABEL
     moment they just disappear. We used to laugh at such say-
     ings because we never understood it until it happened to us.  A tribute to my treasured Grandma: This is
     We never imagined seeing you and within the next moment         a post that is difficult for me to write... Re-
     you are laying lifeless. Your news shocked us to the core be-
     cause, we saw you getting better, full of life and joy. Little did   cently, I just lost my beloved grandmother
     we know that, you will leave us so soon. You may have           who passed away on .......
     passed on, but your memories would always live on within us.    of illness and we will miss her terribly. She
     Thank you for your sacrifices, your care and concern, your  was one special lady and the loss of her is
     love and everything that you have done for us . Wherever you    felt deeply by many, even though she
     are,  for we know you are in a much better place. We will be
     forever grateful and thankful that you were our grandmother.    lived a full life.
                                                                     Forthe past few months, she bravely
     Auntie Dede as we all called you; who will welcome us so lov-   For
     ingly when we visit your home again?  Times spent at your  fought through short illness due to ageing.
     house were often marked by love, laughter, and content-         And seeing her suffer in those last hours
     ment. You were famously known for your hearty meals that        was extremely difficult. The love of a
     no one  can replace the delicious meals you prepare special-
     ly for us especially your Sunday special food?. Your  abun-     grandma is unique. God must have given
     dant hugs and kisses, and your  insistent desire to spoil  your   grandmothers to us to liven up our lives, to
     grandchildren. Who will we watch our favorite TV shows with?  make our lives more complete, to make us
     Who will we have our little dance competition and shows  well
                                                                     well rounded and better human beings.
     with? Who will hug, kiss and smile to us saying “I miss         She played a big part in my childhood and
     you”.Auntie Dede, our beloved grandma, there is no one to
     check up on us from our mum if we are back from school safe     I can remember so many times sitting in
     and early.                                                      her kitchen and tasting the dishes, she
     Our beautiful grandma, you left a huge hole in our hearts; no  prepare with special love. She taught me
     one on this earth can ever replace you. We know you’re in a  a lot about love and the meaning of
     better place and most especially with our almighty father .     family.. She has never been just ‘my
     We know that you  are now resting in the bosom of our al-
     mighty God   and will watch over us, protect us and guide us    grandmother’, but my guardian, my friend
     like angels.                                                    and my inspiration. Still, we can’t believe
     We thank you for teaching us to be neat, kind, respectful and  my lovely Grandma was taken away from
     most especially to love God. Our family lost a matriarch, but  us . We will miss our Grandmother, but her
     heaven gained an angel. She may be resting in peace, but        spirit and strength, lives on in each of us
     she's still hard at work in our heart. Our heart is heavy, but our
     soul is strong, for we know that grandma is at peace.Every-     and in the lives that she touched. She lives
     body would be glad to have you us their Grandmother be-         on in me and in all those who have been
                                                                     touchedby the love, strength, conviction,
     cause                                                           touched
     In fact, You were often responsible for bringing the whole  wisdom, and beauty of her soul.
     family together. Because You were such a source of joy for we
     your grandchildren and the entire family. You will be always
     sorely missed because now that you have entered into the        Love you grandma – You truly were a spe-
     bosom of the Holy Spirit , the years will always roll on by     cial, special woman! You may have
     and time will always pass,                                      passed on, but your memories would
     but every memory we have of you                                 always live on within us. Thank you for your
     will definitely always last. We like to smile when We think of   sacrifices, your care and concern, your
     We try not to be sad.                                           love and everything that you have done
     It’s pretty easy to do                                          for me. Wherever you are, I know you are in
     with all the good times that we’ve had but sometimes, we  a a much better place. I will be forever
     can’t help it,                                                  grateful and thankful that you are my
     and memories leak out of our  eyes,                             ‘grandmother’. Rest in Peace Grand-
     and We quickly try to brush them away.
     and We quickly try to brush them away.
     We know you wouldn’t want us  to cry over your death. We        mother...we will never forget you and we
     your grandchildren humbly ask you to REST IN PERFECT PEACE      will always love you forever...

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