P. 6


           Mykonos conjures visions of all white structures on the islands of Greece. In the Aegean Sea, it is one of the
           most popular, glamorous and relaxing islands. Thassos stone patterns form a luxurious feeling of classic yet
           timeless, from traditional to contemporary.

                                                    Sheet size: 11.9x12.8”  Material: Thassos Honed       Sheet size: 12.9x14.9”  Material: Dolomite / Leyte Blue / Thassos

                          MERCHIA                                              SIKINOS
                      Code: MKN-H10H                                         Code: MKN-22

                                                    Sheet size: 10ʺ (0.59 sq.ft)  Material: Thassos Honed  Sheet size: 11.8x11.8” Material: Thassos Honed / Thassos

                         TOURLOS                                           ANO MERA / KATO
                      Code: MKN-G30H                                  Code: MKN-G53H / MKN-G52P

                                                    Sheet size: 10.2x12.6” Material: Thassos Polished     Sheet size: 10.2x12.6”  Material: Thassos Honed

                        MATOYIANNI                                              AGRARI
                      Code: MKN-G54P                                        Code: MKN-G55H

                                                 Variation in color, shade, finish, hardness, strength and slip resistance is inherent in Natural stone
                                                products. White marbles contain naturally occurring deposits of iron which may lead to discoloration
                                                of marble and turning it yellow-rust or gray if used in wet areas. These are natural characteristics of
         6                                      the stone and that is why it cannot be considered as a defect in the product. MIR Mosaic is in no way                                                          Photo features MKN-22  7
                                                responsible for discoloration of the natural stones.
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