Page 2 - HL APR21 6-page WEB_FLip
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ristine grew up in Bloomfield herself camping in the Manistee forest for
Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV
Trust in the Lord with Hills, Michigan, the youngest of months. She was happy camping in the
woods with no electricity or running water,
five children, her father a doctor
all your heart, and and her mother a nurse. She led but with the weather changing, she knew
do not lean on your
own understanding. a comfortable and privileged that she had to do something about her
In all your ways K life, with a good family and good living arrangements. In October, she came to
acknowledge him, and schools. She studied business in college and Muskegon Rescue Mission. Kristine shared,
worked in couture for Neiman Marcus; she
“Never in a million years did I believe I’d
he will make straight traveled extensively for her job and worked end up in a shelter, but it has been the BEST
your paths.
hard all her life. thing that has ever happened to me!”
This verse speaks to She later moved to Golden, Colorado, At MRM Kristine got involved in the
Kristine’s soul and it where she met and married the love of “Women at the Well” program designed to
has become her
life verse. her life. They were together 10 years and help women make lasting lifestyle changes
enjoyed the outdoors - camping, hiking, by learning and believing that God has a
fishing, skiing, and their condominium in purpose for their life. She shared, “I am
the mountains. When her husband became RICHES LOST, LIFE FOUND! so full of the Holy Spirit, and it’s very, very
ill and was no longer able to work, Kristine exciting! I’m still very new to it, like a baby
worked two jobs, six days a week to keep Christian, but my faith is so strong.”
bills paid and a roof over their heads. At Her studies have helped her deal with her
the time of his death, their savings had daughter’s problems and the separation
dwindled due to high medical bills. She that has grown between them. They used to
was alone, grieving and heartbroken. be very close, talking 4 to 5 times a day, she
Shortly after her husband passed, she still sees her but now their visits are always
came to Muskegon to help her daughter. brief, and that breaks her heart. She has put
After arriving, she learned just how bad her it in God’s hands and has a personal peace.
daughter’s drug addiction truly was and Kristine said, “I’m trusting God will mend
how desperate the situation had become. our relationship. My guilt over not being
To help, Kristine sold her truck, emptied her able to change my daughter’s life or help her
bank accounts, and did whatever she could was eating me alive. I have stopped being
to get her daughter the help she desperately heartbroken, because I put my faith in God.
needed. Kristine shared, “I did everything I no longer carry the burden. He does.”
possible I could to help her, to help my She gushes about her new church, Mt. Zion
child. I helped myself right into the poor Tabernacle by saying, “The worship there
house.” is wonderful, they’ve really opened their
Grieving the loss of her husband and arms to me, accepted me, I absolutely love
failing to end her daughter’s addiction, this church, and now I’m a member.”
she was drowning in sorrow. Kristine When asked what her biggest encouragement
started drinking heavily to ease her has been, Kristine quickly replied, “It’s
heartache. Her life quickly spiraled downward, been the people here at the shelter. They want
and she became extremely depressed. “I had to make sure you are strong enough and that
thoughts I never thought I’d have. My family you are in a good position – they really do care
didn’t believe in depression because my father about that; they want to see you succeed.”
was an old school doctor, but depression is
very, very real.” She continued quietly, “I never Kristine considers the other women at MRM
thought I would be in a position where I’d want shelter her family. She shared, “All of our
to hurt myself; I almost did on July 4th last year.” stories are unique, but we are all here for the
same reason, there’s nothing that makes me
Thankfully, Kristine called 911 for help and different, just different circumstances.” She
ended up in Pivot Crisis Center for a short time. went on, “This could happen to anyone at any
Leaving Pivot, she was homeless and found time. At my age, I never thought this would
2 April 2021 | Harbor Light