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Military Reunion Network | FALL 2018 | #militaryreunionsmatter  Military Reunion Network | FALL 2018 | #militaryreunionsmatter

          Continued from page 4

             honor and give thanks to a generation of proud      of the crew of the USS Mayaguez that was detained
             Americans who saw our country through one           on May 12th, as well as the combined branch rescue
             of the most challenging missions we have ever       team of Marines and Air Force service members.
             faced. While no words will ever be fully worthy     The rescue operation resulted in additional losses
             of their service, nor any honor truly befitting     including Lieutenant Richard Vandegeer. He was
             their sacrifice, let us remember that it is never   killed on Koh Tang Island and is the last name to be
             too late to pay tribute to the men and women        included on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Wall.
             who answered the call of duty with courage and      He joins the over 58,000 soldiers that died.
             valor. Let us renew our commitment to the fullest      The Vietnam War Commemoration is comprised
             possible accounting for those who have not          of a small but mighty staff that travels the country
             returned.”                                          at the invitation of veterans’ organizations of varying
                                                                 sizes, age and branch of service. The most emotional
             Presidential support for the Commemoration          and significant part for veterans in attendance is
          continued with President Donald Trump, by way of       the presentation of a Vietnam War Veteran Lapel
          another presidential proclamation in support of the    Pin combined with the personal and individual
          program. In addition, he signed into law the Vietnam   appreciation on behalf of a grateful nation. It is
          War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017, designating      impossible for them to do this on their own. Over 11,
          March 29 National Vietnam War Veterans Day. The        000 organizations have applied and been accepted
          Proclamation by President Trump includes the           to participate as a Commemoration Partner. (The
          following,                                             Military Reunion Network received this designation in
                                                                 late October.) We are charged with organizing events
             “We applaud the thousands of local, State,          where we celebrate the service of Vietnam veterans in
             and national organizations, businesses, and         our local community. The appreciation is not limited
             governmental entities that have already             to veterans but also spouses of deceased veterans,
             partnered with the Federal Government in the        POW/MIA, and the Unaccounted for.
             Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of               The majority of military reunions include those
             the Vietnam War. Because of their remarkable        that served between November 1st, 1955 and
             leadership and dedication, countless Vietnam        May 15th, 1975. During our conversation Brigadier
             veterans and their families have been personally    General (ret) Rose said, “We would welcome hearing
             and publicly thanked and honored in ceremonies      from any military reunion planner that has attendees
             in towns and cities throughout our country.         who served or have family members of those that
             During my Administration, I promise to continue     served over the time frame we have discussed. We
             coordinated efforts to recognize all veterans       wish to talk to them, partner with them and figure
             of the Vietnam War for their service and            out how we can help them honor the Vietnam
             sacrifice, and to provide them with the heartfelt   Veterans that are participating in the reunions.
             acknowledgement and gratitude that they and         The information, the lapel pins, our travel and our
             their families so richly deserve.”                  participation with the reunion is all free. We just
                                                                 need them to reach out to us.”
             As stated earlier, it is the task of the Vietnam War   An amazing gift to your fellow reunion attendees
          Commemoration to recognize those veterans who          would be to have a representative from the Vietnam
          served on active duty between November 1st, 1955       War Commemoration make a presentation at your
          and May 15th, 1975 regardless of where they served.    banquet. Imagine hearing “On behalf of a grateful
          I asked General (retired) Jackson about those dates.   nation, we thank you for your service. Welcome
          He said, “We picked 1 November ‘55 because it was      Home.”
          the first date that we could identify where there was     For more information, about the Vietnam War
          an establishment of a headquarters organization        Commemoration and/or events in your area, please
          focused specifically on Vietnam. We picked that date  visit or 1-877-387-9951.
          with the intent on being as inclusive as we could         Please contact Brigadier General (retired) Rose
          find.” The official end of the war was April 30th, 1975.  to register your reunion with the Vietnam War
          The end date of May 15th, 1975 allows for inclusion    Commemoration. 


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