Page 4 - MRN Winter 2018
P. 4

Military Reunion Network | WINTER 2018 | #militaryreunionsmatter

                                       A hero, by                  shared a part of their lives together in a common
                                       definition, is “a           cause. They allow people to re-bond with fellow
                                          person who is            shipmates and sometimes provide closure to things
                                          admired or idealized     which happened in the past.” During their 2015
                                          for courage,             Detroit Michigan reunion, the reunion attendees
                                          outstanding              were treated to an incredible welcome when they
                                          achievements, or         entered the General Motors OnStar Headquarters
                                          noble qualities”. First  for a tour. Hundreds of employees lined the
                                          responders, and our      walkways of several floors that overlook the atrium
                                          military come to         where attendees entered. The cheers and applause
                                          mind when the word       continued until the last reunion attendee was
                                          hero is bantered         safely in the building seven minutes later. It was a
                                          about. We often see      welcome they will never forget. Ralph commented,
                                          them in the media        “Many in our group had never received recognition
for their calm quick actions during panic and chaos.               or appreciation for their service to our country.
Their commonality is the invisible line they cross                 Needless to say, that experience was the highlight
putting themselves in harm’s way to help others. It is             of the entire reunion.”
rare to meet them in person.
   We have been lucky over the years to work                          Connection and closure were mentioned by
alongside an extraordinary group of heroes. It is                  almost every reunion planner we talked to. K
easy to call them heroes because of their support                  Appelgate said, “There are few human bonds like
of fellow veterans, and their enthusiasm to stay                   the bonds between those who have worn the
connected. We are speaking of course about the                     uniform, the uniform of any service. Whether or
military reunion planner. They are admired for                     not you ducked enemy fire, you have all signed a
their volunteerism, courage and ability in planning                blank check given to our country, that whatever
military reunions year after year. Some inherit the                is deemed necessary, you will do for our country,
job, others are “volunteered”. Planning many or just               even give up your life. Unless you have actually
one, they are all heroes to us.                                    done this, you can never know the comradery felt
   We had an opportunity to visit with several                     by those who have. Reading about it or listening
planners recently about why they plan reunions,                    to others tell about it will never give the true
what they get out of it and why it is important.                   feeling felt by those who have. There is a need
Exhausting, challenging, and stressful are just some               to come together and remember when we were
of the words that come up when we asked them                       young and felt invincible and looked sharp in our
what it was like during the planning process.                      uniforms.” When asked why reunion are important,
   Ralph Sulek served in the U.S. Navy from June                   K continued the theme of connection “There is
1968 to April 1972, spending his time aboard the                   an inner need in most of us to be able to talk to
USS Hopewell DD-681 and the USS Kretchmer                          others about those days of the past. Talk in a way
DE/DER 329. “Military reunions are important                       and about things that those who did not serve
because they bring together people who have                        would understand. There is a NEED for us to talk to
                                                                   EACH OTHER.” Mr Appelgate enlisted in August of
                                                                                                                                                    Continued on page 24
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