Page 14 - Evaluation for Jeanne Huybrechts
P. 14
Your Prescription Drug Costs
These costs are for your prescription drugs and are based on the dosages and monthly quantities that
you use. These costs include premiums, deductible, and co-payments.
Pharmacy Information
When you need a retail prescription filled or refilled, you will
Client's pharmacy:
usually get the lowest prices at one of your plan's preferred
pharmacies. Some plans, though, do not have preferred
Is CVS a preferred pharmacy in the following plans' pharmacy networks?
You get slightly lower prices at
First Health Part D Value Plus Plan No
You get slightly lower prices at
Cigna-Healthspring Rx Secure-Extra Plan No Walgreens and some
independent pharmacies
You get slightly lower prices at
Aetna Medicare Choice PPO Plan (an No Walgreens and some
Advantage plan)
y g independent pharmacies
The two lowest-cost Part D stand-alone plans for your drugs
First Health Part D Value Plus Cigna-Healthspring Rx Secure-
Plan Extra Plan
To enroll in a plan, call its toll-free
number (855) 389-9688 (800) 735-1459
Annual costs at CVS Pharmacy $1,160 $1,533
Annual costs with mail-order refills $1,093 $1,551
This plan's Medicare quality rating 3.5 stars 3 stars
Medicare Advantage plans' costs for your drugs
Most Medicare Advantage plans include Aetna Medicare Choice PPO
prescription drug and medical coverage Plan
Annual costs at CVS Pharmacy $800
Annual costs with mail-order refills $737
This plan's Medicare quality rating 4 stars