Page 20 - Evaluation for Jeanne Huybrechts
P. 20

Dental and Vision Coverage

            Medicare does not cover routine dental and vision care, but some Medicare Advantage plans do,
            often for an additional premium. Medicare does cover diseases of the eye such as cataracts and
                 glaucoma. The types of commercially sold dental and vision plans are reviewed below.

                                            Types of dental plans

                Dental HMO plans                                                 Dental discount plans
                                                  Dental PPO plans
                are the least costly             offer flexibility but             do not provide as
                 comprehensive                    also usually have                much protection.
                  coverage, with                                                  Typically you pay an
               annual premiums in               higher premiums and              annual fee (say $100)
              the $350-$500 range.               co-payments. If you              to qualify for dental
                A few dental HMO                 go outside the PPO                service discounts.
              plans have no annual              network, you will pay             These plans can be
                  out-of-pocket                  a percentage, e.g.,                used in place of
                   maximums.                    25%, of the total cost.                insurance.

                               What to consider when choosing dental coverage

                 Check with your dentist to get            The largest dental insurers are Delta
                 suggestions and find out which plans      Dental (marketed by AARP), Metlife,
                 he or she accepts.                        Aetna, and CIGNA.

                 If you decide to purchase a               Some advisers recommend that
                 comprehensive dental plan, take into  retirees self-insure their dental costs,
                 account the plan's deductible, its        which may save money over the long
                 maximum payout, and any exclusions  run. This approach can be effective,
                 (such as for implants). Many plans will  particularly for people whose teeth
                 not cover expensive procedures unless  are in good condition. But it can also

                 you have been in the plan a year.         discourage preventive care.

                 Regardless of the type of coverage you  If your dental health is good, you

                 choose, you should get quotes from        might consider a preventive policy to
                 more than one insurance company.          cover teeth cleanings and exams.

                                          Types of vision coverage
                 You may need coverage for routine vision exams and eyeglasses (diseases of

                 the eye are covered by Medicare). The two types of coverage are 1) vision
                 benefits packages with deductibles and co-pays; and 2) vision discount plans.

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