Page 5 - Evaluation for Jeanne Huybrechts
P. 5

Your Enrollment Checklist

                     Make sure you have your Medicare card and that it indicates that your Part A and Part B
                     coverage will start on the date you've chosen (if you are older than 65, you may have already
                     started your Part A coverage).  To enroll, contact Social Security at (800) 772-1213.

                     Review your evaluation and decide the type of coverage you want. If you do not have an
                     employer retiree plan to supplement Medicare, you have two choices:


                         Medicare Advantage Plan                           Medigap Policy + Stand-alone
                                                                                prescription drug plan
                    Before enrolling in an Advantage plan,
                    verify with your doctors' offices that they         Before buying a Medigap policy, call at
                    are still in the plan's network.                    least three insurance companies for
                                                                        quotes. Choose a large insurer that has
                    Enroll in an Advantage plan by calling its
                    toll free number (see pages 2-3 of your             low premiums.
                                                                         Enroll in a stand-alone prescription drug
                    Some Advantage plans do not include Rx               plan that is among the lowest-cost plans
                    drug coverage. If you enroll in one of               for the drugs you take. You can enroll by
                    these plans you will also need to enroll in          calling a plan’s toll-free number (see page
                    a stand-alone prescription drug plan.                4 of your evaluation).

                     Ask if your prescriptions can be transferred from your current plan to the plan in which you are
                     enrolling.  In many cases,  prescriptions can be transferred among plans.

                     During the first 12 months that you have Part B, you are entitled to a free “Welcome to
                     Medicare” physical. Ask your primary care doctor about it.

                                            Avoid billing problems

                    On your first visits to your doctors after your Medicare coverage begins, show the office staff
                    your enrollment cards for Medicare and for the supplemental plans you have chosen. And on
                    your first visit to your pharmacy after your Medicare coverage begins, show the pharmacy staff
                    the enrollment card for your new prescription drug coverage. Even if you get mail-order refills,
                    your local pharmacy should have your insurance information for short-term prescriptions.
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