Page 22 - Income Documentation
P. 22

PAYER'S name, street address, city, state, and ZIP code      1  Gross distribution  2a  Taxable amount   OMB No. 1545-0119
             National Financial Services LLC as agent for                                                         2020
             FIDELITY INVESTMENTS                                      $         8,000.00  $       8,000.00
                                                                                                               Form 1099-R:
             P.O. Box 28019                                            2b Taxable amount   Total            Distributions From
             Albuquerque, NM 87125-8019
                                                                             not determined   X   distribution  Pensions, Annuities,
                                                                       3 Capital gain    4 Federal income tax  Retirement or
                                                                          (Included in box 2a)      withheld  Profit-Sharing Plans,
                                                                                                              IRAs, Insurance
                                                                       $                $          2,250.00   Contracts, etc.
                                                                         5 Employee contributions/  6 Net unrealized appreciation  This information is
             RECIPIENT'S Name and Address                                   Designated Roth contrib.      in employer's securities  being furnished to
                                                                            or insurance premiums         the Internal Revenue
                                                                       $                                $         Service.
             WILLIAM DAVID ARMES                                       7 Distribution  IRA/  8 Other
             461 KAKKIS DR UNIT 102                                       code(s)   SEP/                     COPY C
             LONG BEACH CA  90803-6374                                          SIMPLE
                                                                           7      X  $                 %
                                                                       9a Your percentage of   9b Total employee contributions
                                                                             total distribution             Recipient's
                                                                                     %  $
                                                                       14 State tax withheld   15 State/Payer's state no.  16 State distribution
                                                                       $          225.00 CA-804-9168-1
             Customer service phone number   800-544-6666                                               $
             PAYER'S TIN          RECIPIENT'S TIN     Account Number   17 Local tax withheld   18 Name of locality   19 Local distribution
                  04-3523567           ***-**-9739      164-405418-001  $                               $
          FORM 1099-R                                                                                                                                               Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service
          PAYER'S name, street address, city, state, and ZIP code      1  Gross distribution  2a  Taxable amount   OMB No. 1545-0119
             National Financial Services LLC as agent for                                                         2020
             FIDELITY INVESTMENTS                                      $         8,000.00  $       8,000.00
                                                                                                               Form 1099-R:
             P.O. Box 28019                                            2b Taxable amount  X   Total         Distributions From

             Albuquerque, NM 87125-8019                                      not determined    distribution  Pensions, Annuities,
                                                                       3 Capital gain    4 Federal income tax  Retirement or
                                                                          (Included in box 2a)      withheld  Profit-Sharing Plans,
                                                                                                              IRAs, Insurance
                                                                       $                $          2,250.00   Contracts, etc.
                                           eDelivered                    5 Employee contributions/          This information is
             RECIPIENT'S Name and Address                                   Designated Roth contrib.  6 Net unrealized appreciation  being furnished to
                                                                                            in employer's securities
                                                                            or insurance premiums         the Internal Revenue
                                                                       $                  $                       Service.
             WILLIAM DAVID ARMES                                       7 Distribution  IRA/  8 Other
             461 KAKKIS DR UNIT 102                                       code(s)   SEP/                      COPY 2
             LONG BEACH CA  90803-6374                                          SIMPLE
                                                                           7      X  $                 %  File this copy with
                                                                       9a Your percentage of   9b Total employee contributions   your state, city, or
                                                                             total distribution             local income tax
                                                                                                              return, when
                                                                                     %  $                       required.
                                                                       14 State tax withheld   15 State/Payer's state no.  16 State distribution
                                                                       $          225.00 CA-804-9168-1
             Customer service phone number   800-544-6666                                               $
             PAYER'S TIN          RECIPIENT'S TIN     Account Number   17 Local tax withheld   18 Name of locality   19 Local distribution
                  04-3523567           ***-**-9739      164-405418-001  $                               $
          FORM 1099-R                                                                                                                                                Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service

          PAYER'S name, street address, city, state, and ZIP code      1  Gross distribution  2a  Taxable amount
                                                                                                           OMB No. 1545-0119
             National Financial Services LLC as agent for                                                         2020
             FIDELITY INVESTMENTS                                      $         8,000.00  $       8,000.00    Form 1099-R:
             P.O. Box 28019                                            2b Taxable amount   Total            Distributions From
             Albuquerque, NM 87125-8019
                                                                             not determined   X   distribution  Pensions, Annuities,
                                                                       3 Capital gain    4 Federal income tax  Retirement or
                                                                          (Included in box 2a)      withheld  Profit-Sharing Plans,
                                                                                                              IRAs, Insurance
                                                                       $                $          2,250.00   Contracts, etc.
                                                                         5 Employee contributions/  6 Net unrealized appreciation  This information is
             RECIPIENT'S Name and Address                                   Designated Roth contrib.      in employer's securities  being furnished to
                                                                            or insurance premiums         the Internal Revenue
                                                                       $                 $                        Service.
             WILLIAM DAVID ARMES                                       7 Distribution  IRA/  8 Other
             461 KAKKIS DR UNIT 102                                       code(s)   SEP/                     COPY B
             LONG BEACH CA  90803-6374                                          SIMPLE                    Report this income on
                                                                           7      X  $                 %  your federal tax return.
                                                                                                            If this Form shows
                                                                       9a Your percentage of   9b Total employee contributions   federal income tax
                                                                             total distribution              withheld in box 4,
                                                                                                             attach this copy to
                                                                                     %  $                       your return.
                                                                       14 State tax withheld   15 State/Payer's state no.  16 State distribution
                                                                       $          225.00 CA-804-9168-1
             Customer service phone number   800-544-6666                                               $
             PAYER'S TIN          RECIPIENT'S TIN     Account Number   17 Local tax withheld   18 Name of locality   19 Local distribution
                  04-3523567           ***-**-9739      164-405418-001  $                               $
          FORM 1099-R                                                                                                                                                Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service
                                                      01/15/2021  eDelivered
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