Page 24 - NASCO 2019 Appendices
P. 24

Section 2—Signing up for Part A and Part B              19

                              Turning 65 and you or your spouse is still

                              I’m still working and have health coverage from my employer.
                              My husband is turning 65 this April. If we decline Part B and
                              decide to enroll at a later date, will we have to pay a late
                              enrollment penalty?

                              No, as long as you’re eligible for and enroll during a Special
                              Enrollment Period. If you wait to enroll in Part B because you or
                              your spouse are working and have group health coverage through
                              an employer or union based on this current employment, you can
                              enroll during a Special Enrollment Period. You can sign up for
                              Part B during one of these times:

                                 ■ Any time you’re still covered by an employer or union group
                                health plan, through your or your spouse’s current or active
                                 ■ During the 8-month period that begins the month after the
                                employer or union group health plan coverage ends, or when the
                                employment ends (whichever is first)

                              Note: If you’re still working and plan to keep your employer’s group
             Words in         health coverage, you should talk to your benefits administrator
             blue are         to help you decide when you should enroll in Part B. When you
             defined          sign up for Part B, you automatically begin your Medigap Open
             on pages         Enrollment Period. Once your Medigap Open Enrollment Period
             31–33.           begins, it can’t be changed or restarted. For more information
                              on Medigap, visit to view the booklet
                              “Choosing a Medigap Policy: A Guide to Health Insurance for
                              People with Medicare.”
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