Page 16 - Paths to Change
P. 16
About the Text This text offers a critique of the #TheShowMustBePaused protest organized by Black music executives Jamila Thomas and Brianna Agyemang. This initiative led to #BlackOutTuesday on Tuesday, June 2nd, where 20 million social media users posted black squares to their accounts in protest of the police brutality against Blacks. Music superstar Rihanna not only paused her own purchasing but also did not sell items from any of her three brands on this day. The wave of black squares that took over social media was met with a great deal of criticism including the initiative’s lack of a clear call to action, the interruption of access to vital information for demonstrators due to the black squares often being accompanied by the Black Lives Matter hashtag, as well as what some called a distraction from critical primary election races being held on the same day. While the protest harnessed the power of social media and resulted in an unprecedented unification of millions around issues relevant to the Black community, whether or not the protest resulted in any lasting impact is debatable. Encourage students to do just that – debate, question, and consider. Are sheer numbers an indication of the power, and effectiveness, of a protest? What outcome must we see to deem a protest effective at changing society and how soon can assess said outcomes? Student Questions & Sample Responses 1. What was the main goal of the #TheShowMustBePaused protest on June 2, 2020? The main goal of the protest was to encourage members of the music industry (and others) to pause from normal daily activity and social media posting to have conversations about what can be done to support the Black community after having benefited from its culture for so many years. 2. In what ways was the June 2, 2020 social media “black out” successful? The protest was successful in that it garnered a great deal of attention on social media, including celebrities and influencers. This brought awareness to and consideration of the contribution Black Americans and Black culture have made to the music industry. Even when the message became diluted, it became an opportunity for non-Black people to publicly demonstrate their support for Black people in the fight against systemic racism. 3. Describe the primary criticism of #BlackoutTuesday. Text 2: #BlackOutTuesday Article Educator Guide The Black Inquiry Project 15