Page 17 - Paths to Change
P. 17

The primary criticism was the incorrect use of hashtags, inconsistent marketing materials, and the lack of a clear call to action for the music industry and other large organizations. 4. Based on the article who was most vocal in criticizing #BlackoutTuesday? Musicians and artists involved with the Black Lives Matter movement offered much of the criticism. 5. How was the #BlackOutTuesday protest related to the protests regarding George Floyd? Taking place just eight days following the death of George Floyd, the #TheShowMustBePaused protest was Jamila Thomas and Brianna Agyemang’s attempt to look within their own industry (the music industry) with a critical eye to determine what work needed to be done to honor and support the Black community, especially it’s contribution to music. 6. What would you cite from this article to defend a claim that protests do not change society? According to the text, “Instead of posting useful content or publicly donating, celebrities and influencers are now posting a black square ‘in solidarity’ with the black community.” This indicates there is a concern that many participated in the protests because it was trendy or because it seemed like an easy way to demonstrate support of Black Americans during a time of civil unrest, and not because they are invested in making real change or taking tangible steps to do so. Therefore, protests such as #TheShowMustBePaused would not be an effective bath to change. Suggestions to Increase Accessibility Shallow scaffold: o Number article paragraphs o Previewthetextbasedontitle/sectionheadings Medium scaffold: o Previewthetext(andprovidecontext)usingpostsfromthe@theshowmustbepausedInstagram page o Multiplereadswithsharedreadingasthefirstread o Readaloudusingpause-question-pause-reviewflow o Front-loadvocabulary o Studentslabeleachsectionofthetextascriticismorsupporttotrackevidenceanddetermine which side carries more weight Deep scaffold: o Pre-annotate text (circle key words, underline key phrases, highlight potential evidence)            The Black Inquiry Project 16 

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