Page 23 - Paths to Change
P. 23
change in Coronavirus cases as the protests were happening amidst a global pandemic. Increased police and military presence in many cities may also have deterred would-be protestors and organizers. Fading interest and lack of long-term commitment could also impact the numbers. Many people are anxious to show their support early on, but don’t necessarily have the level of commitment it takes to turn out day after day, long after the headlines have faded, and the social media feeds have returned to normal. 4. How could the data pattern be used to support the idea that protesting is not effective? The graph could be used to support the idea that protesting is not effective because of the visible decline in protests toward the end of June. Protesting started strong with high numbers at the end of May but declined sharply a month later. This could potentially point to a lack of results driven by the protests or decreased morale and support among protestors due to little evidence of change. Suggestions to Increase Accessibility Shallow scaffold: o Providerationaleandcontextfordatacollection o Provide an organizational tool that allows students to document observations and wonderings based on the graph Medium scaffold: o Allow students to explore the text by posing basic W-questions (Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?) Deep scaffold: o Explore the format in which the data is presented discussing the x- and y-axis’ and what each represents The Black Inquiry Project 22