Page 27 - Paths to Change
P. 27

The goal of the post is to announce and celebrate a law being passed that outlaws No-Knock Warrants making it illegal for police in Louisville to enter someone’s home without knocking. 3. How might the protests for George Floyd have helped get Breona’s Law passed? When a large number of people protest, it often gets the attention of the public. With so much attention on the police and protecting Black citizens from the police, the Louisville Metro Council may have felt pressure to do something to show they acknowledge and want to do more for the Black community. 4. How might it be argued that the nationwide protests for George Floyd have not helped bring justice Breonna? It could be argued that protesting did not help because even after weeks of protesting, the law passed addressed what police are allowed to do in the future, but nothing has been done to address or hold the police accountable for Breonna Taylor’s murder. In short, the protests seem to help people in the future, but not Breonna. Suggestions to Increase Accessibility Shallow scaffold: o Preview the text noting the use of bold fonts, color, hashtags, and the amount of engagement the post had (number of “likes”) Medium scaffold: o Front-load vocabulary using a Word Bank (consider including words like warrant, divest, and defund, and ACLU) Deep scaffold: o Readthepostinsections,focusingontheimagebeforethecaption            The Black Inquiry Project 26 

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