Page 1 - TEOPF Pamphlet
P. 1

The practical implementation and working out of
                                                               The Essence of Peace Foundation Plan

                  The Essence of Peace Foundation
                                                          The  Essence  of  Peace  Foundation  does  not
                                                         choose the villages it works with.   In  February 10,
                                                         2019  with  some  of  PNG’s  most  active  online  fo-
               Tribal wars are still happening.  In an                                                                         The
                                                         rums in Lae, Port Moresby, Madang and the High-
               effort to end them, the local provin-     lands heard about us and contacted us for assis-
                                                         tance,  before  the  program  could  be  officially           Essence of
               cial leader at that time gave us the
                                                         launched.   Both they and us were pleasantly re-
               go  ahead  to  start  the  research  on   warded with :
               what could  be  done  to  prevent  an-                                                                        Peace
                                                         The first Peace Treaty was signed on June 2, 2019.
               other  massacre  of  our  people.  We
                                                         The second on October 7, 2019.                               Foundation
               worked  with  them  for  seven  years     The third and fourth on December 27, 2019.

               to do just that.
                                                          And there's more to come….
               The Lord has helped us to develop a
                                                          Contact us and see ...
               comprehensive  program  that  in-

               cludes Biblical instruction in addition

               to  community  development  and
               literacy  programs.  The  subsequent
               programs  are  the  outcome  of  what


                                                                                                                           1(289) 423 6054
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