Page 2 - TEOPF Pamphlet
P. 2

What Burns your nose?

                                                        working on the translation committee.   Since time allowed we   He then went on to say “ I know that you could throw
         Former Wycliffe Bible translator Thomas  R. Phinnemore   sat down and he begun to tell  about  his week (at home) in the   spears away and, water and garbage away, but I did-
         and his wife Penny, were the translators of the ONO New   Kip Village.                               n’t know I could throw offences away as well.”
         Testament. Thomas and his family went to the Kip village
                                                         He recalled to me  “you know the trail that goes between the   Thomas  Phinnemore  went  on  to  explain;  “the  word
         in 1972 where they began the New Testament translation
                                                        mountains behind Kip? , well I was just up there going to work   offence means something that irritates  or burns your
         work.  While there they learned many things in orienta-
                                                        on  my  food  gardens.      The  road  there  was  very  muddy  and   nose.  So the whole phrase  ““throw away those things
         tion,  they discovered that the area was replete with sor-
                                                        steep, and guess what? there ahead of me was my enemy from   that  burn  your  nose””  is  quite    powerful  in  the  ONO
         cery at that time, and it is said that sorcery is practiced in
                                                        another village.  You know how we always think!  We remember   language.”
         that area to this day.  With that knowledge Thomas and
                                                        our enemies always!  But there on the muddy steep part of the
                                                                                                              Telling the story took a long time but the impact on the
         Penny subsequently made arrangements to later moved
                                                        mountain I was alone with this man! Of all the people, this man
                                                                                                              hearers the next day was massive.  Said  Thomas.  “ It
         their family to Nunzen.  With all that occurred while he
                                                        was the one who had “”scorcerized”” my father, and my father
                                                                                                              was the watershed moment in our translation experi-
         was there a story of forgiveness  he recalled from one of
                                                        died because of that man.  Now we were alone on the path. This
         his Co–translators many years ago.
                                                        is the same man many of my relatives have told me I should kill!!
                                                                                                                  It is stories like these that makes the mission of
                                                        If I ever had a chance  to kill him it was now!!  I was behind him
                                                                                                                 The Essence of Peace Foundation so  important.
                                                        he was just a few feet ahead of me, the cliffs were steep drop off

                                                        on the right and on the left side.  I don’t think he knew I was   You may say that was then and this is now.   For the
                                                        behind him.  I could easily run up behind him and push him over   ONO there has been great strides  because  Someone
         Please  hear  directly  from  Mr.  Thomas  R.  Phinnemore   the cliff  to his death.                 like Thomas R. Phinnemore and his family was willing to
         himself  as  he  tells  of  a  culmination  of  Prayer,  thought,   Then I thought about how God had blessed me.   dedicate their life, time and treasure for the betterment
         and action in the inception of The Essence of Peace Foun-                                            of others.
                                                        I had a good wife and three healthy daughters.  I thought about
                                                        our  work  here  on  the  translation  of  Gods  word.      Having
         “We had been working for months and years off and on,   thought about all that,  I threw his offence away.”
         on the word ““forgive.””  On the ONO language men and

         women on the translation committee could not agree.  I
         had  studied  the  words  in  Greek  and  Hebrew  that  had
         been  translated  into  English,  but there  seemed to be  a

         disconnect when it was translated into ONO, there seem

         to be no discernable correlation.   One Sunday evening a
         young  man form  the  Kip Village (where  we had  started
         working in 1972) came by the house and said he had a

         story to tell me.  He was so excited and ready to continue
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