Page 39 - Digital Church in a Lonely World
P. 39


             Thinking about the past year, did you miss church more than once for any of these reasons?
             Base: Been to church in the last six months

                All Christians       Practicing Christians       Non-practicing Christians

                  Out of town                                                                     44%
                    Too tired                                 19%
               Spending time                                         24%
                   with family
                 Was working                                 18%

                Doing house-                       12%
               work or chores                     11% 13%

             n=333 U.S. Christian adults who have been to church in the last six months; December 5–18, 2019.

            We are even given a purpose behind the instruction to meet together: to encourage one another. The
            stated purpose in this verse is not for our own growth, our own benefit or our own blessing. It is for
            others. To encourage is to deposit strength and faith in other people. And that is one of the beautiful
            mysteries in the economy of God. We encourage each other and we all benefit.

            This verse puts us on notice. It is a caution sign marking a pitfall and telling us, “Avoid this.” It is a
            warning against individualism. 19

            There is a growing gap between what people want and what they need. They may want to sit on their
            couch eating cereal as they watch church on their phones. However, they may need both the benefits
            and challenges that come with in-person church.

            For example, a recent study at MIT found that collaboration improves when people are able to have
            more face-to-face interactions in shared spaces. The study observes, “If you work near someone, you’re
            more likely to have substantive conversations more frequently.” This reinforces a theory out of the same
            university, Allen’s Curve, which states that “even basic conversations are much less likely to occur among
            workers situated more than 10 meters apart.”  This study of over 10 years’ worth of data found that
            being in the same physical space matters for work collaboration.

            It also matters for our spiritual growth.

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