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Pond Construction
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          Metric cross tabulation between an AquaLiner® cut dimension and the possible choices
          of pond shapes (3D parameters: H x W x L cm)

                AquaLiner® 2 x 3 m        AquaLiner® 4 x 3 m                       AquaLiner® 4 x 4 m

                 0,65    0,35    2,55   1,95   1,45    1,00   0,65    3,75   3,10    2,45   1,90   1,45    1,05
            m 2
                 0,50    0,30    1,30   1,10   0,90    0,70   0,50    2,10   1,90    1,70   1,50   1,30    1,10

                 1,50    1,30    2,30   2,10   1,90    1,70   1,50    2,10   1,90    1,70   1,50   1,30    1,10

                 0,30    0,40    0,40   0,50   0,60    0,70   0,80    0,50   0,60    0,70   0,80   0,90    1,00

                                 AquaLiner® 4 x 5 m                              AquaLiner® 6 x 4 m

                  5,55    4,70    3,90    3,20    2,55    1,95    7,30    6,30    5,35    4,45    3,65    2,90
            m 2
                  2,10    1,90    1,70    1,50    1,30    1,10    2,10    1,90    1,70    1,50    1,30    1,10

                  3,10    2,90    2,70    2,50    2,30    2,10    4,10    3,90    3,70    3,50    3,30    3,10

                  0,50    0,60    0,70    0,80    0,90    1,00    0,50    0,60    0,70    0,80    0,90    1,00

                                 AquaLiner® 6 x 5 m                              AquaLiner® 6 x 7 m

                10,80  9,60  8,50  7,45  6,45  5,55  4,70  3,90  17,80  16,25  14,80  13,50  12,10  10,80  9,60  8,50
            m 2
                3,10   2,90  2,70  2,50  2,30  2,10  1,90  1,70  4,10  3,90  3,70  3,50  3,30  3,10  2,90  2,70

                4,10   3,90  3,70  3,50  3,30  3,10  2,90  2,70  5,10  4,90  4,70  4,50  4,30  4,10  3,90  3,70

                0,50   0,60  0,70  0,80  0,90  1,00  1,10  1,20  0,50  0,60  0,70  0,80  0,90  1,00  1,10  1,20

                                  AquaLiner® 8 x 6 m

                21,25  19,55  17,95  16,35  14,90  13,45  12,10  10,80
            m 2
                 4,10  3,90   3,70  3,50  3,30   3,10  2,90   2,70

                 6,10  5,90   5,70  5,50  5,30   5,10  4,90   4,70

                 0,50  0,60   0,70  0,80  0,90   1,00  1,10   1,20

              ✓  PVC and EDPM liners can be thermo-welded and bonded to ensure complete watertightness.
              ✓ PVC and EDPM liners are suitable for all types of pond including river water retention pools.
              ✓ Easy installation for laying when the temperature is above 10 °C, resistant to freezing, UV, heat and piercing (1.0 mm EDPM).
              ✓  PVC and EDPM liners must be protected against the damage caused by stones and roots by a geotextile felt placed between
               the ground and the liner.
              ✓  Possibility of a custom-made pond liner. This avoids the need for you to have to cut the corners or solder/glue the seams
              ✓  PVC and EDPM liners are guaranteed non-toxic, compatible with flora and fauna and a drinking water certificate is available
               on request.
              ✓  The EDPM liner has a tensile strength (elongation before tearing greater than 300%); it is also highly resistant to acid rain,
               most alkaline acids and high concentrations of ozone.
              ✓  Never use an EDPM liner as a roof covering for the construction of a pond. This type of liner is treated with fire products that
               are harmful to the aquatic environment.

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