Page 11 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
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8. Deliberate or fraudulent acts in making a claim
All bene ts a orded in terms of this Policy in respect of any claim shall be forfeited and this Policy may be voided or cancelled at the Company's discre on from the date of any fraudulent conduct:
8.1 if any claim or part thereof under this Policy is in any way fraudulent or if fraudulent means or devices are used by the Insured or anyone ac ng on the Insured's behalf to obtain any bene t under this Policy, or if any Insured event under this Policy is occasioned by the Insured's inten onal conduct or that of any person ac ng on the Insured's behalf or with the Insured's connivance; or
8.2 if any fraudulent informa on and/or document, whether created by the Insured or any other party is provided to the Company by the Insured or anyone ac ng on the Insured's behalf or with the Insured's connivance in substan a on or support of any claim under this Policy and whether or not the claim in itself is fraudulent; or
8.3 if the quantum of any claim is deliberately exaggerated by the Insured or anyone ac ng on the Insured's behalf or with the Insured's connivance, for any reason whatsoever, and whether or not the claim in itself is fraudulent.
Where any bene t under this Policy is forfeited in circumstances set out in this General Condi on, the Insured shall repay to the Company all amounts which the Company may have previously se led in respect of all claims forfeited without prejudice to the Company's right to recover any other damages which the Company may have su ered as a result of the fraudulent conduct.
9. Reinstatement of cover a er loss (not applicable to stock on a declara on basis nor to any Sec on where it is stated to be not applicable)
In considera on of sums insured not being reduced where appropriate by the amount of any loss, the Insured shall pay addi onal premium on the amount of the loss from the date thereof or from the date of reinstatement or replacement (whichever is the later) to expiry of the period of insurance.
10. Breach of condi ons
The condi ons of this Policy and Sec ons thereof shall apply individually to each of the risks insured and not collec vely to them so that any breach shall render voidable the Sec on only in respect of the risk to which the breach applies.
11. No rights to other persons
Unless otherwise provided, nothing in this Policy shall give any rights to any person other than the Insured. Any extension providing indemnity to any person other than the Insured shall not give any rights to claim to such person, the inten on being that the Insured shall claim on behalf of such person. Receipt by the Insured shall in every case be a full discharge to the Company.
12. Collec ve insurance
If this insurance is a collec ve insurance then the following amendment is made to General Condi on 6.1 above:
"give the leading insurer on behalf of the insurers such proofs, informa on and sworn declara on as the insurers may require and forward to the leading insurer immediately any no ce of claim or any communica on, writ, summons or other legal process issued or commenced against the Insured in connec on with the event giving rise to the claim."
And General Condi on 7. is subs tuted by the following: Company's rights a er an event:
On the happening of any event in respect of which a claim is or may be made under this Policy the leading insurer and every person authorised by them may, without thereby incurring such liability and without diminishing the right of the insurers to rely upon any condi ons of this Policy:
take, enter or keep possession of any damaged property and deal with it in any reasonable manner. This Condi on shall be evidence of the leave and licence of the Insured to the lead insurer on behalf of all insurers to do so. The Insured shall not be en tled to abandon any property to the insurers whether taken possession of by the leading insurer or not;
General Excep ons, Condi ons and Provisions
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Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018