Page 112 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 112
Group Personal Accident
5. Any Compensa on payable by the Company for any period of Temporary Total Disability and/or Temporary Par al Disability or for the reimbursement of Medical Expenses shall be reduced by an amount equal to the Compensa on received or receivable by or on behalf of the Insured Person under the terms of the Compensa on for Occupa onal Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 for Temporary Disablement (par al or total) for the same or a lesser period and/or in respect of Medical Expenses.
6. Any compensa on payable by the Company for any period of Temporary Disability (par al or total) shall not exceed the average weekly earnings earned by the Insured Person at the me of the accident.
7. Where amounts recoverable from the Company are delayed pending nalisa on of any claim, payments on account can be made to the Insured, at the Company' discre on, on receipt by the Company of cer ca on by a medical doctor appointed by the Company.
8. Upon payment of a claim under Items 1 to 2.4 (other than loss of hearing in one ear) or of 100% (one hundred percent) under Item 3 of the Schedule of Permanent Disability this policy shall be terminated in respect of the Insured Person for whom such payment is made.
The following percentages (bene ts) shall be payable in the event of Bodily Injury resul ng in:
Percentage of compensa on
Permanent total disability
Permanent and total loss of:
2.1 wrist, ankle or limb:
separa on at or above the wrist or ankle of one or more limbs
2.2 eye(s):
whole eye
sight of eye
sight of eye except percep on of light
100% 100% 100%
2.3 hearing:
both ears one ear
100% 35%
2.4 speech
2.5 nger(s) and phalange(s):
phalanges, per phalanx
thumb, per phalanx
four complete nger either hand
5% 15% 75%
2.6 toes:
any one toe (other than great) all toes any foot
great, per phalanx
5% 35% 5%
Permanent disability not speci ed herein
a percentage which in the opinion of the Company is consistent with the above insofar as possible
In the event of Compensa on being due under more than one of the bene ts referred to above as a consequence of any one accident to any one Insured Person the maximum amount payable hereunder shall not exceed 100% (one hundred percent) in total of the Sum Insured stated in the Policy Schedule.
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 111