Page 114 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 114

Group Personal Accident
If a er a suitable period of  me of the disappearance of an Insured Person it is reasonable to believe that such person has died as a result of Accidental Bodily Injury the Death bene t shall be payable;
if such belief is incorrect such bene t shall be repaid to the Company by the Insured.
Dis gurement
The Schedule of Permanent Disability is hereby extended to include bodily injury resul ng in permanent dis gurement of:
1. the head, neck and hands – provided the total area a ected exceeds 20% (twenty percent) of the total area;
2. all other areas of the body – provided the compensa on total area a ected exceeds 5% ( ve percent) of the total area of the body.
Compensa on payable hereunder is a percentage of the compensa on in direct propor on to the area a ected. The bene ts payable in terms of 1. and 2. above shall apply independently and be cumula ve, but the overall liability of the Company for permanent dis gurement resul ng from an Accident or series of Accidents arising from one cause for any one Insured Person shall be limited to 50% (  y percent) of the amount payable for Permanent Total Disability in respect of 2. above.
Compensa on shall not be payable under this extension in addi on to compensa on payable for the same Bodily Injury under the Schedule of Permanent Disability and shall be limited to 100% (one hundred percent) of the compensa on provided for Permanent Total Disability.
Dis gurement requiring correc ve medical procedure
In the event of a claim where the Insured Person su ers permanent dis gurement following Accidental Bodily Injury of an extent that it may have a signi cant psychological e ect on the Insured Person and it be required on recommenda on by a quali ed psychologist for the Insured Person to undergo correc ve medical procedure or procedures such as plas c surgery, in order to improve the Insured Person’s self-con dence, wellbeing and/or quality of life, the Company will pay the following bene t:
1. the head, neck and hands – an addi onal 25% (twenty  ve percent) of the Permanent Disability bene t for the reasonable and necessary medical procedure costs incurred up to a maximum of R300 000 (three hundred thousand Rand) per Insured Person;
2. all other areas of the body – an addi onal 10% (ten percent) of the Permanent Disability bene t for the reasonable and necessary medical procedure costs incurred up to a maximum of R100 000 (one hundred thousand Rand) per Insured Person.
In the absence of a psychological evalua on the Company may at their discre on and on presenta on of medical reports and/or photographs as to the extent of the dis gurement agree to pay this bene t.
Compensa on under this extension shall be payable in addi on to compensa on payable for the same Bodily Injury under the Schedule of Permanent Disability or the Dis gurement Extension, but shall exclude any procedure of a pure cosme c nature.
Emergency transporta on costs
The Company will pay reasonable and necessary emergency transporta on costs to the nearest adequate medical facility incurred by the Insured as a direct result of Accidental Bodily Injury to an Insured Person if a quali ed medical doctor cer  es that:
1. local medical facili es are inadequate for the treatment of the injuries;
2. the recovery of the injured person will be substan ally expedited by the emergency transporta on to the nearest adequate medical facility.
Where no quali ed medical doctor is available the highest quali ed and experienced medical prac  oner may cer fy as to the necessity of the emergency transporta on.
The maximum amount payable by Company will be R200 000 (two hundred thousand Rand) any one Insured Person and R1 000 000 (one million Rand) any one occurrence.
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 113

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