Page 115 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 115
Group Personal Accident
Family/servants medical expenses
In the event of Accidental Bodily Injury to any spouse, dependent child or domes c servant of an Insured Person (referred to in this Extension as such person) as a result of a motor vehicle accident while such person is travelling with the Insured Person in any private motor vehicle owned, leased or hired by the Insured Person, the Company will pay any consequent Medical Expenses incurred by such person;
1. the maximum amount payable by the Company will be R50 000 ( y thousand Rand) any one such person each and every claim, and subject to a maximum of R200 000 (two hundred thousand Rand) in any one 12 (twelve) month period of insurance;
2. the Company will not be liable for the rst R250 (two hundred and y Rand) of each and every claim;
3. the Company will only be liable for the amounts in excess of amounts paid or payable under any other policy or under any Medical Aid Scheme, or Road Accident Fund or otherwise known, or as may be amended by legisla on;
4. if the Business Hours Limita on is applicable, this Extension does not apply.
Hijacking/abduc on/kidnapping
In the event of the unlawful seizure or wrongful exercise of control of any aircra or conveyance (including the crew thereof) in which the Insured Person is travelling, or the abduc on or kidnapping of the Insured Person, the cover in terms of the Temporary Total Disability sec on of this Policy shall con nue in force for the dura on of such an event, or 12 (twelve) months from the date of such event, whichever is the lesser period.
If Temporary Total Disability is insured, the Company will regard the hijacking, abduc on or kidnapping of an Insured Person as a claim for Temporary Total Disability;
1. the Company’s liability is limited to the period of hijacking, abduc on or kidnapping or 12 (twelve) weeks, whichever is the lesser;
2. no compensa on shall be payable if any member of the Insured Person’s immediate family is involved in the hijacking, abduc on or kidnapping as a principal or accessory.
Life support
Notwithstanding anything contained in the De ned Events, the 24 (twenty four) month period stated therein shall not include any period or periods where the death of the Insured Person is delayed solely by the use, for a period or periods of not less than 3 (three) consecu ve days, of life support machinery, equipment or apparatus.
Life support equipment
The Company will pay reasonable costs and expenses incurred by an Insured Person as a result of Accidental Bodily Injury in respect of hire costs for life support machinery, equipment or apparatus;
the liability of the Company under this Extension shall be limited to R100 000 (one hundred thousand Rand) in respect of any one Insured Person in each and every occurrence.
Mobility costs
When the Company has admi ed a claim for Permanent Disability, if as a direct result of that disability the Insured Person is permanently dependent on a wheelchair for mobility, the Company will, in addi on to any amount payable for Permanent Disability, pay for:
1. a self-propelled wheelchair;
2. the ng of wheelchair loading equipment and altera ons to the Insured Person’s residence to facilitate the use of such wheelchair;
3. the modi ca on of the controls of the Insured Person’s motor vehicle including wheelchair loading equipment if necessary;
Page | 114 Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018