Page 134 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 134

Stated Bene ts
9. whilst par cipa ng in sport as a professional player. For the purpose of this exclusion professional player is a person who derives 50% (  y percent) or more of their income from par cipa ng in sports;
10. whose occupa on involves the manufacturing, storage, use of or the handling of explosives or explosive devices. This Exclusion does not apply to surface or underground mining occupa ons.
1. This Policy is not assignable. Compensa on shall be payable only to the Insured whose receipt shall e ectually discharge the Company. No Insured Person shall have any right against the Company.
2. No sum under this Sec on shall carry interest.
3. No ce must be given to the Company in wri ng on the prescribed claim form as soon as prac cable but in any event within 12 (twelve) months of any occurrence which may give rise to a claim under this Sec on but no ce of death must be given forthwith and the Company shall have the right to have a post mortem examina on of the body.
All cer  cates, informa on and evidence required by the Company shall be furnished without expense to the Company within 30 (thirty) days of the Company no fying the Insured of their requirements.
A er incurring Bodily Injury for which Compensa on may be payable under this Sec on, the Insured Person shall, when reasonably required by the Company so to do, submit to medical examina on on behalf of and at the expense of the Company and undergo any treatment speci ed. The Company shall not be liable to make payment unless this Condi on is complied with to their sa sfac on.
Quali ed medical advice shall be sought and followed promptly on the occurrence of any Bodily Injury and the Company shall not be liable for any part of any claim which in the opinion of their medical adviser arises from the unreasonable or willful neglect or failure of an Insured Person to seek and remain under the care of a quali ed member of the medical profession.
4. If any di erence shall arise as to the amount to be paid under this Sec on (liability being otherwise admi ed) such di erence shall be referred to arbitra on in accordance with the statutory provisions for the  me being in force and the making of an award shall be a condi on precedent to any liability for the Company to make any payment under this Sec on.
5. In the event of the Company disclaiming liability in respect of any claim and an ac on or suit not being commenced within 12 (twelve) months a er such disclaimer or, in the case of an arbitra on taking place, within 12 (twelve) months a er the Arbitrator shall have made his award, all bene ts under this Sec on in respect of such claim shall be forfeited.
6. If the Premium is calculated on es mates supplied by the Insured an accurate record containing all relevant par culars must be maintained by the Insured to which the Company shall have the right of access. The Insured shall furnish such informa on within one month of the expiry of each Period of Insurance and the Premium shall be adjusted accordingly.
6.1 The es mates and declara on of total wages, earnings or salaries on which the premium hereunder is based shall include all items of remunera on which fall under the de ni on of "Annual Earnings" within this Sec on.
6.2 In the event that such allowances are not included in the es mated or declared earnings these amounts will not be included in the computa on of any claim.
OPTIONAL EXTENSIONS (if stated in the Schedule to be included) Accident Expert assistance
The Company will provide the Insured with the Accident Expert assistance provided by Roadcover in respect of assistance with claims under the Compensa on for Occupa onal Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) or claims under the Road Accident Fund (RAF), as set out in the Annexure ‘1’ to the Policy Schedule.
Provision of these services will be subject to the assistance services standard terms condi ons provisions and procedures as described in the Annexure “1” a ached to the Policy Schedule.
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 133

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